"Female bleeding out through the abdomen. Her pulse is very weak and reparation rate is low. We need to get her to the hospital." I heard another voice say about Lilith, thank God she's still alive. I heard some rustling through the phone then the phone went silent.

"Call Sophia and make sure the kids don't leave the panic room until I get there." I told Damian still in shock.

"I'm on the phone with her now and AC has been trying to call you." Damian told me, "I told her that you've been on the phone with his Mom."

"Let me talk to my son." I reached for Damian's phone because I didn't want to hang up my phone.

"Dad." AC cried into the phone, "I wanted to stay with her, but she wouldn't let me."

"I know AC. Your mom wanted to make sure you all were safe. I am going to come home to speak to the police. You know the way up to the main house from the panic room right." I asked him.

"Yes." AC sobbed.

"Get all the kids and Sophia upstairs to your room and do not look out the window do you understand me." I said sternly.

"Yes dad." AC answered.

"I love you son. I love all of you." I cried into the phone while my heart was breaking.

We pulled up to the house that was swarming with police and I got out of the car and saw the way my wife's car was blocking the door of the panic room.

"Hi, I'm detective O'Brien and this is detective Paul." They shook my hand, but my eyes kept going to the blood on the ground where my wife was before they took her to the hospital.

"My wife's still alive right?" I couldn't stop shaking. "I was on the phone with her and the paramedic said she had a pulse."

"Did she call you before she was shot or after?" One of the detectives asked me.

"After." I kept looking at the blood, "I should have been here."

"Do you know why your wife parked like that?" The detective asked pointing to her car.

"The panic room door is right there." I pointed to the car. "She had our kids with her, and Carmen's daughter is with my kids too." I answered. "There's normally a guard at the gate his name's Mark, I don't know where he is or even how Christian could have gotten in through the security gate."

They looked at each other before the Detective named O'Brien spoke. "He was shot in the head in the booth."

"Oh my God." I bent over holding my stomach feeling sick.

"You keep calling the suspect Christian, why?" Detective Paul asked, "He has no ID on him."

"His name is Christian Sinclair and he is my wife's abusive ex-husband. They have been divorced for 15 years and just 4 years ago my wife started a battered women's foundation and Christian's current wife Carmen ran away from him and my wife was helping her and her daughter. Their names are Carmen Sinclair and Katie Sinclair. Katie is here."

"Why is Katie here?" Detective Paul asked.

"Because she is friends with my kids and my son had a football game, so my wife took her to watch the game." I was starting to get aggravated, "I want to see my kids then go to my wife."

"We just have a few more questions." Detective Paul said.

"Jesus Christ, my kids are scared, and their mother was shot, and I want to see my family." I was yelling now, and Damian walked over to us.

"Sir, Carmen was supposed to teach the job placement course and she never showed up for it. She's not answering her door either." Damian said to me.

The imperfect perfect manWhere stories live. Discover now