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I hummed my little tune while I was cooking up dinner. I had a visitor with me for the next couple of weeks Nigel. His mother and father had gone off on holiday for their wedding anniversary and Nigel didn't exactly want to be home with his grandfather for three weeks so his grandfather went on a trip with his friends and Nigel came to stay with me. I had let him have my spare room as I only just moved out into my own hovel away from my family, I had suggested to him that he could always come and snuggle in my room if he got to cold but whenever I brought it up he would just start blushing and stuttering unsure how to respond to me he'd been here a week so far and honestly he was no trouble I make him dinner, clean his clothes and remind him to take showers other then that I didn't see him much he stayed in my spare room doing… I don't know whatever it was he was doing I didn't want to bother him. 

But dinner was almost done so I let it all simmer so nothing would burn and went to the spare bedroom door. I had a listen trying to hear what was going on. I could hear moving in there and almost the sound of someone talking. I knocked but there was no reply, I knocked again louder but still nothing so I pushed open the door and instantly my eyes met a sigh I had never Imagined.

Nigel sat on my spare bed, the covers tucked around him and his loose fitting clothes, but his pants where undone and pulled down significantly his hard cock in his hand his eyes closed as he was a million miles away groaning gently as he quickly moved his hand "uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh!! Uuuugghh! Y/n, y/n" he groans 

"NIGEL!!" I scream at the top of my lungs 

"Y/n!" He yelled in shock pulling the covers up around him so I couldn't see what he was doing "uuuuuhhh hello" he blushed 

"Hello, what the hell were you just doing?" I asked 

"I was uhhh… cleaning, myself" he lied 

"Nigel this is my hovel tell me what you where doing or I'm ejecting you" I warn 

"Okay I May… have been just.. jerking off a little" he blushed 


"I've been here a week, I'm a boy, you're walking around in little dresses, do I need to explain further why I'm jerking off?" 

"But this is my hovel? My spare bed? Why are you jerking off somewhere that's not your own bed?" 

"Because it's been a week okay I got desperate" he whined "I jerk off twice a day at home the most I can do here is a quickie in the shower" he whines 

"Your jerking off in my shower too!'

"You let me stay here you knew this was going to happen at some point" he explained "what do you think I would just not jerk off for three weeks?" He says getting out the bed and doing his pants up trying to make this situation less awkward

"Kinda yeah"

"Then why were you hinting at me? Saying I could come lay in your bed? You tell me that and thought I wasn't going to be furiously masturbating in the next room thinking about you?" 

"No I imagined you'd you know come cuddle in my bed and if you got hard we would have sex?" I explain 

"Wait are you serious?" He asked and I nodded "why didn't you tell me that! I would have been in there every bloody night if I knew cuddling and sex was an option" 

"What did you think it meant?"

"I thought you meant it as a joke? That's why I was you know jerking off thinking about it, I didn't know I could actually do it!" He complained

"Nigel come have dinner" I laughed "come on you can sleep in my bed tonight" I smiled holding his hand and giving his cheek a kiss.

Nigel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now