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I stood as usual on the roof of our little hovel and grabbed whatever I could. Once I filled up the airlock with enough space for me, I headed down shut it up and headed inside, kicked off my suit.

"Y/n?" I called

"Kitchen Nigel," she called back so I hurried over and found her deep in some dishes in her patchwork dress and her sweet little braid, I wrapped my arms around her, and nuzzled into her neck which caused her to giggle. "How'd it go?"

"Perfect, we have plenty for the next week or two,"

"That's very good," she smiled as she turned her head and sweetly kissed me

"You want some help?"

"I'm alright, go on and get sorting I'll come to help when I'm finished with the dishes," she smiled

"Alright," I nodded as I headed back and sorted out the various items I had gathered today when something moved "Whoa!"

"what's the matter, Nigel?" She asked as she came over from the kitchen

"Something moved, stay back darling," I told her as I stopped her from getting any closer

"What was it?"

"Maybe a dark matter spider?"

"Maybe, just stay back I don't want you hurt,"

I moved the junk again and saw this - Thing! scambered across our floor. It had hexagonal eyes, eighteen little legs and two large spiralling arms.

"Ahhh! What is that?" I yelped

"I don't know, I've never seen one before," I told her as it hid under our table "Grab me a Tupperware," I told her and she grabbed one for me "Shut our bedroom door I don't know what this might do," I told her she nodded kissing my temple before she ran to the bedroom almost shut it completely but she kept it open enough she could peek out. I snuck over and kicked the chair to get it to come out and as soon as it came out I quickly jumped and trapped it "Gotcha!" I smirked the thing panicked and jumped clearly angry and then it spits from its spirals and it burnt through the box like acid "ahhhhh fuck! fuck! fuck!" I yelled as I rushed over to the kitchen I grabbed a metal pot and quickly caught it again

"Is everything okay?" She asked

"Yes, darling. Everything's fine," I gasped "Open the door to the airlock sorry to say but we're losing a pot,"

"Do what you gotta do Nigel," She nods she rushes from our room to the airlock door opened I slid the pot over making sure nothing got out as soon as it was on the other side of the door I let go and hit the button as hard and fast as I could the door quickly slamming shut, lucky this door has a habit of being a bit fast the moment it closed the thing got out, so I quickly opened the airlock leaving it and the pot to be sucked out into the vacuum. "Burners on?" She asked

"Hell yeah!" I nodded

She rushed over and put the burner shields on a large shield that would burn up any living matter on the hovel surface and I shut the airlock.

"Twenty-four hours, no one comes out or in. The burners stay on keep a life scanner on for a while," I told her

"Yes Nigel," she nods

"And if you could make me a coffee darling,"

"Yes Nigel," she smiled kissing my cheek before she headed to the kitchen.

Nigel One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon