Not my girlfriend

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I stood humming my little tune I heard on the radio the other day and for some reason couldn't get out of my head, I checked my self in the mirror oh god... I really need a shower. I turned the water on and started getting sorted turning my humming to whistling as I wondered out to my room and got stuff sorted out
"Getting ready for your date?" My mouth asks as she cooked dinner in the other room as my bedroom door was open
"It's not a date mum" I told her "I'm just going over to y/n's"
"Alright dear" she laughs "take protection just in case Nigel"
"It's not a date mum" I repeated going back to the bathroom shutting and locking the door getting undressed pealing the patchwork clothes off me and getting in the nice shower, the warm cosy water felt so nice quickly getting some soap before the water goes cold washing ever inch of me getting the tone of dirt and space dust of me then focusing making sure my hair was clean and nice just then the water began to go cold so I turned it off and jumped out wrapping a towel around myself as I cleared the mirror of fog and checked myself over. I looked... Okay. As okay as I ever do so I got out going to my room standing by my mirror to do my hair and pick out what the hell I was going to wear
"You look clean" my grandfather laughs leaning on my door "going to see your girlfriend?"
"She's not my girlfriend, she's just my friend"
"But you don't clean yourself up or look this presentable for visiting your other friends?"
"That's because y/n is different"
"Because she's your girlfriend"
"She's not my girlfriend, I just want to look presentable because she's a really nice girl and her hovel is nice and I feel stupid when I turn up without putting effort in"
"Have fun on your date" he laughs as he wondered off
"It's not a date!" I complain as I got dressed and made sure I looked nice and presentable
"Ready for your date?" My dad asks
"Dad... It's not a date" I complain
"You know we won't care if it is Nigel, we won't be mad if she's your girlfriend"
"Dad, she's not my girlfriend." I told him seriously "I mean yeah I do... Kinda like her but it's not a date and she's not my girlfriend, I'm just going over to play some earth invaders"
"Alright, don't be home late Nigel" he says before he slipped something in my pocket "just in case"
"but she's not-"
"Your mum wasn't my 'girlfriend' either" he winked before going back to help my mum in the kitchen I checked my watch and almost had a heart attack, I'm going to be late and If I'm late I'll miss her.
I quickly got sorted and got my space suit on going out to the top of the hovel I saw hers passing by so I quickly threw the wire it instantly magnitized to hers and our airlocks bolted so I got inside getting my stupid suit off and fixing my hair from my helmet
"Okay I'll be back tomorrow" I told them
"Be careful, have fun" my mum said so I nodded and headed out our airlock and across to her hovel, as soon as I was in her little kitchen and living room I turned off her magnet so we went back to normal orbit separated from my family I spotted her stood making something in the kitchen
"Hey y/n" I smiled
"Nigel! Aww why didn't you say you where here silly boy" she giggled running and hugging me as tight as she could
"Y/n... I can't breathe" I laughed as she was hugging me a bit to hard
"Ooh sorry I guess I just missed you" she blushed
"No it's okay I missed you too" I told her fixing her hair out her eye tidying it behind her ear

It was like normal we plaid video games, we had snacks and A few jokes here and there till that dam song I had stuck in my head laid on the radio and she smiled taking my hand as she got up tugging me up with her to dance with her, I of course can't dance but I tried my best often not having to do much really but hold her hand as she spun till one she did she giggled as she came back putting her hands on my shoulders my hands settled on her waist a little lost where else to put them she leant forward and kissed me, I was lost for any though kissing her back almost instantly till she pulled away
"Ooohh Nigel, your a very good kisser" she giggled
"Uhhh yeah, you uh your an amazing kisser y/n" I blushed
"What's wrong?" She asks
"I don't know I mean we've been freinds so long I uhh I guess it caught me off guard is all"
"Ooh, sorry I probably should have asked first"
"No, y/n don't be sorry it was amazed... I've liked you forever I just didn't think you liked me like that"
"Nigel of course I do"
"So... Did you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"
"I'd love to" she smiled

Nigel One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang