All Alone...

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I smiled as I finished up with dinner in the hovel for my family when I went to my room getting my messages
Nigel 👽:
Hey, what are you up to tonight?
Y/n 🐼:
Not much just finished up dinner? What have you got going on?
Nigel 👽:
Nothing my family's gone out, I'm all alone...
I giggled I can read Nigel like a book so I got changed into a pretty dress and did my makeup before I went out...

Soon as I got inside his family's hovel I got my gear off and smiled seeing the dark empty place the only light a slight orange one coming from Nigel's room I went over pushing open the door, his room as messy as usual his bed square in the middle of the back wall, a little mineral lamp the only light in the room on his table and Nigel sat in his bed, his blonde hair a mess of dirt and matted sections as he had been laying down at some point, his duvet around his waist and his chest bare and exposed one hand above the covers holding onto them, the other under the covers, his eyes closed tight his mouth hung open gasping for air and light groaning ever so often he bit down hard on his bottom lip and I noticed the movement of his hand under the covered
"Ummmm uuuhh! Uhh y/n" he groans his head slightly rolling on his headboard "uuh! Uuuhh!! Ahh! Fuck y/n baby!"  His hand suddenly stopped and his hips bucked towards his duvet as he got his breath back opening his eyes in his relaxed state but suddenly saw me at the door of his room and the relaxed lusty look of pleasure disappeared from his face the colour draining from his cheeks as he panicked "uuuuuuuhhhh.... Hi y/n" 

"Hi Nigel" I smiled "Somebody enjoying his alone time?" 

"Well I uhh I just Uhh... I couldn't help it" he blushed

"Its alright Nigel, I assumed you were hinting at me coming over to take care of you?" I smirked

"I kinda was But I assumed you where busy so I thought I'd take care of myself" he blushed I laughed sitting on his bed and slipping my hand under his covers he was clearly naked under the covers so I grabbed his half-hard cock "Umm!" He groans

"how long till we can play again?"

"Five minutes" He smiled ...

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