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I woke up much the same as always feeling groggy and gross. My whole body felt wet, sticky, generally gross and Ill, I sat up feeling the steam around me as I wiped my face "Date?" I asked

"" BB1 answered I glanced up seeing her beside me as usual

"What's the problem?" I rolled my eyes climbing out of my pod


"You wouldn't have woke me early if there wasn't a problem" I sighed doing my best trying to shake myself awake almost felt as if I had to reset my skeleton into its right place, before heading out into my room changing out of my jumpsuit and quickly grabbing a hot shower

"There is a problem"

"I guessed, what is it?"

"BB2 is down in the dock bay"

"The dock bay?" I asked, finishing my shower quickly, getting dressed into my leggings and dress "what's he doing down there?"

"An arrival"

"An arrival?" I asked "Take me" I demanded heading out of my room following her though the corridors of the ship until we reached the bay where most of our stock sat but now a small ship and BB2 stood looking over it "What is this?"

"We found it floating around quadrant 16.78"

"And you brought it inside? Why?" I asked

"There is a life form inside. As you know direct-"

"Don't quote directions to me BB" I warned "Life form? Inside this hunk of junk"

"Their in a pod"

"No shit. You'd have to be." I muttered looking a the ship it was in an awful state honestly life support with a pod inside little else to rave about "get the pod out, deconstruct the ship for anything useful, take the pod and put it into one of the guest suites start a wake up circle but a slow one we don't know how long they've been under" I ordered before heading back to my room getting some food and some drink after all this time in stasis "I hate being in the stasis pod" I sighed once I felt a bit better I headed though the ship trying my best to enjoy the time I had before I needed to go back in the pod after a while I ended up at the guest suites out of curiosity I headed into the suite seeing the pod slowly powering back up I went over brushing off some of the dust of the pod "Nigel?" I read "Humm?" I went to the small window of the pod wiping away the dirt and general dust and grime seeing the pod within, it was old, one of the oldest I'd ever seen, honestly I'd seen newer pod's in museums. With red cushioned walls and one body within it, He laid there deep in his sleep. "I'll stay up, help you adjust when you wake up" 

Nigel One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now