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"Please!" I begged as I followed my mother around the hovel

"No Nigel" she says

"Please!" I begged her 

"No! you're not going. end of discussion" 

"but y/n's going!"

"so what. if y/n was jumping off the astral cliffs would you?" 

"Depends. what her reasons where" I shrug 

"you're not going to the damn camp end of the discussion," she says going to make dinner 

I pouted and went to my room laying on my bed, before I could even sigh I heard the little ringing, I smiled and got up going to my desk clicking it on

"Hiii!" she giggled sat in her room 

"Hi y/n,  how goes the packing?"

"good, almost done. so? are you coming?"

"My mum says I can't"

"but Nigel!" 

"I know I'm sorry y/n, you know id go with you with I could" 
"But I'll be all lonely without my bunk buddie at camp"
"I'm sorry y/n. Trust me if I could get away with sneaking out I would. I'm gonna miss you."
"I'll miss you too! And I won't have any signal there so we can't even call" she whines
"I wish I could go with you, it's gonna be awful stuck here with them"
"Nigel! Dinner!" My mum called
"Sorry y/n."
"You go, have a nice dinner I'm sure we'll talk later" she smiled waving a little before it rang off, I sighed banging my head against my desk, I'd give anything to go to camp with y/n she goes every year and I usually go with her but my mum says I have to stay here.

I sat on my bed still pouting y/n was supposed to be leaving for camp today and I wanted to go with her, but no I have to stay here with my family in this shitty little hovel
"Nigel you have a visitor" my dad says coming in my room
"Yeah?" I sighed I couldn't imagine who it could be likely someone they dragged over to try and cheer me up
"Hiiii!" She giggled jumping on my bed
"Y/n! What are you doing here! I thought you where going to camp?"
"I am, I don't leave till this afternoon so I thought I'd come say goodbye to my best friend" she says giving me a hug
"Awwww, well we didn't really plan on saying goodbye I was meant to be going with you"
"I know, it's okay I'll take lots of pictures for you and I promise I'll be back before you miss me"
"And if you really miss me too much maybe I'll screw camp and come stay with you"
"No, you go. Have fun"
"Alright, but I'm bringing you home a present"
We chatted about this and that for a little while all about how much we'd miss each other and that we promised we'd talk everyday until it was time for her to go, so I gave her the tightest hug I possibly could and she returned it too,
"I'll miss you. But you have fun. I'll be here when you get home"
"I'll miss you too nigel, I promise I'll send you pictures and bring you boatloads of prezzies. And I'll see you the moment I get home" she smiled fixing my hair a little which confused me why would she bother to- she moved and have my lips a gentle kiss our lips barely touched for five seconds but I melted, I felt like I was floating, like I was flying, like I was out of my body like I'm a million miles up. Her lips started like cherry and she smelt like lavender, my heart raced like I was having a heart attack till she pulled back and giggled giving my nose a kiss too "bye bye nigel"
"Uhhhhhhhh yeah... Uhhhhh bye." I told her unable to form words she giggled giving me another little kiss before she got her stuff and headed off to go catch her ship.
I was in a daze for the rest of the day, and the week, she left on Tuesday it's now the next Thursday and I still can't stop blushing, constantly in this strange state of joy and happiness, my first kiss and it's y/n! I mean... I have had a crush on her a very long time I just assumed she would never like me back, I was so happy so smitten constantly thinking back to... That kiss. Ummmm I couldn't stop thinking about it, those soft plump cherry lips, that sweet lavender scent-
"Nigel!" My mother said hitting the back of my head with her spoon as she walked past kicking me out of my day dream about y/n kissing me,
"What's that look for?" She asks
"What look?"
"That look." She says "your not still pouting about that damn camp are you"
"Maybe" I answered, I was infact now I was mad. She kissed me. We could have been sitting in the ship snuggling and kissing, and I've always shared a bunk with her at camp we would have been snuggling and kissing and maybe sharing a bed some nights and... Ummmm much more if she'd let me, we'd hold hands on walks, and go skinny dipping together in the lake, ummmm I wanna be there with her so badly.
"No. No. Not that pouty look" my grandfather piped up "it's that smitten of a girl look" he laughs and I couldn't help but smile
"Nigel." My mother warned "something you want to tell us about you and y/n?"
"No." I answered having my dinner trying not to act sheepish, as soon as I finished up I went to my room laying on my bed checking my phone she has sent me some pictures of dinner in camp, the lakes, the bonfire all with cute little kisses
"What are you smiling about?" My grandfather asked as he came in my room shutting the door behind him
"Ohh just. Jokes" I shrug
"You talking to her?"
"Might be"
"Why are you so smitten all of a sudden? You've know her forever?"
"I know but... Can you keep a secret?"
"I guess, from who?"
"My mum"
"Ohh please nigel I spend my life keeping secrets from your mother"
"When y/n was here... Before she left for camp. She uhhhh she kissed me"
"Ahh" he nods
"And she keeps sending me cute little pictures and kisses, I wanted to go with her so bad, now I miss her even more I just want to be with her so I can cuddle her and kiss her and tell her I love her"
"I won't tell your mum. But tell that girl all that" he told me before he left, he was right I should, so I put it all in a message too her.
How I couldn't stop thinking about our kiss, how she was driving me crazy, how much I miss her, and... How I've felt about her for so long.
It came up that she had read it and I was frozen with fear waiting for an answer and as it turned out she felt the same about me that she had planned to kiss me at camp but since I wasn't going she thought she didn't have another moment, I told her how much I loved her and she told me loved me too, and we agreed when she got back wed start dating, properly. And I could call her... My girlfriend.

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