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I stood cleaning my room trying to find where I left my favourite shirt
"Nigel! You have a visitor" my mother yelled
"I do?" I asked a little confused who could be here I didn't expect any visitors today just as my bedroom door opened
"Hello" y/n giggled as she came into my room
"Y/n!" I yelled quickly covering myself up as I was only in my underwear
"Oohh hello Nigel" she giggled shutting the door
"Uhhh hi y/n" I blushed
"Ohh relax nothing I haven't seen before" she smiled giving my cheek kiss
"I know I just I wasn't expecting to see you y/n" I blushed "why did you come to visit?"
"Well we were in orbit and we could visit so... I thought I would drop in" she smiled "Nigel did you shower this morning?"
"I did" 

"Nigel... tell me the truth"

"I did Have a shower I swear" I laughed "Then why is there still muck on your face," she says giving my nose a kiss 

"well I did have a shower I didn't do like I normally do as I didn't knock you where visiting y/n," I told her as I got dressed properly and y/n went off elsewhere I wasn't too sure where as soon as I was dressed completely she came back and gave my lips a little kiss before she threw a damp towel in my face rubbing it all over my face and after a while she took it away and caressed my cheek 

"There all nice and clean" she smiled "Now you look beautiful"

"Awww thank you, sweetie" I smiled giving her a kiss "But you look a billion times more beautiful Than I ever could"

"Your too sweet to me Nigel" she smiled 

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