"Yeah I got it on, my other swimming stuff is in my bag."

"I figured since it's such a hot day swimming would be a good way to cool off. How are things with your dad?"

I sigh answering his first comment, "Swimming sounds like an amazing idea. However, things with my dad have gotten worst." I explain everything to him while we're on the tube.

He takes my hand again leading me out of the station, "So what's going to happen now?"

"I'll stay at Roger's until my dad comes to his senses." We reached the pool and the cool water looks so inviting, it surprisingly quiet for the summer holidays. We agree to meet each other by the pool once changed.

After stripping down to my swimwear, I stuff my bag into a locker and head out to the pool. Looking around I couldn't see Ben, I stood near the pool trying to see if he's already got in and the next thing I know I'm being pushed into the pool, thankfully it's the deep end.

I came straight back up for air to see Ben sat on the side laughing, "sorry I couldn't resist."

"I'll get you back for that, you coming in?" I came up with my own idea.

Swimming over to him I grab his hands, I put my feet against the wall as he starts to speak, "That depends on...uh" I push my feet off the wall pulling him into the water as I propel backwards.

The payback quickly turns into a full water fight until Ben encircles his arms around my waist leaning back against the wall. His eyes dart between my lips and eyes, "I have a question for you?"

"What is it?"

"Well, I realise we have been together for nearly a year but we never made it official and I think it's about time we do. So will you, Amelia Mercury be my girlfriend?"

"I'd love to," I capture his lips in a sweet kiss.

He pulls back from the kiss and looks over my shoulder eyes widening, "Shit, Milly, isn't that your uncle?"

Turning around at the far end of the pool about to get in is Brian with Jimmy, he hasn't seen us though, "What do we do?"

Ben frowns, "Will he not like that you're here alone with me?"

"Not just that, my swimsuit shows more skin than him, my dad or any of my uncles will be happy with?"

"But you've been swimming with them before?"

"Yes but I wear a different one with my family and this one with my friends and you." I'd forgotten that Brian is teaching Jimmy to swim, they come here all the time but I only just remembered. Hopefully, they'll stay the other end.

"Did you want to get out?"

"Not really, I still have over an hour until I need to meet Roger. No, we'll stay, they should stay that end anyway he's teaching Jimmy to swim." We lazied around in the pool for a while longer talking and kissing.

I eventually forgot about Brian until he ventures down to the deep end with Jimmy supported by his armbands. That's when he notices us, "Will he tell Roger about the swimsuit?" Ben whispers in my ear as Brian swims over and with his long legs that won't take long.

"Most definitely. I am so dead and we need to get out in 10 minutes otherwise I'll be late meeting Roger. Hi uncle Brian, Jimmy how are the swimming lessons going?" I try to act as normal as possible.

He smiles, "Hello Milly, Ben. The swimming lessons are going well, thank you," Brian's smile turns into a smirk seeing that Ben's arm is still around my waist, "Ben do you mind if I have a quick word with Milly? I need to ask her about something."

Ben takes his queue and swims away, oh god he knows before I could stop myself, "Please don't tell Roger?" blurted out of my mouth

Brian frowns, "Tell Roger what?"

Shit, I've messed up, "Nothing, what were you going to ask?"

"I was going to say does Ben know about what happened with your dad yesterday but that doesn't matter. What don't you want me to tell Roger?" He voice changes from cheery to stern, "Does Roger know you're here?"

I need to save myself, "He knows I'm on a date but I'm not sure he'd that like the fact that... I was kissing Ben at the pool." I blush madly and so does Brian too.

"Milly, I might not be keen on the idea of you kissing a boy at the pool but I'm not going to tell Roger. Your growing up this is going to happen whether we like it or not just promise me you won't let him push you if you're not ready."

"He won't do that but I promise anyway, I need to go now or I'll be late meeting Roger. See you later." I swam over to Ben and told him to get out behind me so Brian won't see the swimming costume.

I managed to get to the changing room without him seeing, I got changed and met Ben back outside, "I'm sorry about that."

Ben smiles taking my hand again, "It's fine, I'd rather not get beat up by your uncles but you know you don't have to wear revealing clothes for me? I love you the way you are."

The biggest smile stretched across my face, "I don't think it's revealing, I just like it but I know they will think differently. Did you just say you love me?"

He scratches the back of his neck nervously, "Um... yeah."

"I love you too." He walked me to the tube station and we parted ways after I gave him the phone number to Roger's place.

Roger is already waiting for me when I get off the tube, "sorry I'm late."

"That's okay I was early anyway, had a good day? Your very smiley."

I couldn't contain my excitement, "Ben asked me to be his girlfriend."

He rolls his eyes, "Okay I don't need to know any more than that just be careful. Look what I've got," he holds up a passport, "Your coming on holiday with us."

"Thank you," I need to ask, "How was dad?"

He sighs, "busy working and not too happy that I wanted your passport and visa but he gave it when I told him why. You miss talking to him don't you?"

I nod, "I just wish he could see what we do in Paul."

"You're allowed to miss him, he's your dad after all. Let's enjoy this holiday then we can sort things out after. I promise you'll get that connection back someday." He put the car into drive and we head home.

Next chapter will be up shortly.

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