"Got a good sleep?" Virgo inquired, scanning me.

I sit up and noticed that I fell asleep on the floor, a thick duvet covered my body while a soft pillow pressed down where my head was just on. My eyes darted to my arm when I caught a glimpse of the fresh bandages covering the stitches. Did Kendall do all of this?

She isn't in the room either.

"How long have I been asleep?" I asked with a yawn, holding on to Dio's outstretched hand and she seized me up to my feet.

Virgo tossed the pillow and duvet back to the bed, it spread messily on the cushion. "You slept through the whole day." She reponds as we walk out of the room.

"Back to why we came to you for." Virgo announced, switching her eyes to Dio expectantly.

Dio squints her eyes at her before looking at you. "There's encrypted messages sent from Philippines, Japan and Italy-"

"What does it gotta have to do with our department?" I wondered glancing at Virgo. "I thought our cases are separate."

"We thought so too." Dio pulled out her phone and displayed it infront of you. She swiped the screen showing a stolen picture of a facility with large machinery and people were cladded in masks and gloves then lined in their individual stations with stacked boxes.

Meanwhile we entered the elevator and Virgo pressed the 3rd floor that leads to the buildings computer facility.

"The girls played a big part in the case more than we thought. It was a good idea that the General decided we take them with us after our incursion. Without them their plans are on hold." She swiped the screen again and there showed a missing picture of a woman, an entrepreneur; the article said.

My brows knitted, facing Dio. "Isn't this Kendall's sister? Kylie, your guest?"

"Correct. Since they failed to keep her in their possession, their drug production ceased." Dio explains.

I raised a brow at her. "So it mean she's in on it?"

"No." Dio's face darkned in split seconds, she hid it with a shake of her head in disagreement. "That's why we need you to to cipher the messages. There are reasons why they abducted the girls and that reason is in those messages."

There was a loud ding coming from the speaker above us signaling that we arrived at our level, the silver doors parted and I stepped out of the elevator. I looked back noticing the two weren't following me and see them still inside as Virgo held a finger on a button for the doors to remain open.

Dio's has her hands clasped behind her. "Epta's already inside communicating with the agencies abroad. Tell her when you crack it and she'll send it to them."

"So you're going to leave us with all the load?" I eyed them suspiciously.

Virgo crossed her arms with a scoff. "Of course not. Aigle and Tora wanted us to report to them after we send you off. You know how demanding they are."

I rolles my eyes at her statement. "Anyways, where's Kendall?" I inquire, wanting to know her whereabouts has been on my mind since I woke up.

"Don't worry about your princess, you'll see her again." The edge of Virgo's lip stretched widely to the side. "She's with the others, the General wanted to talk to them."

"She's not my princess." I snorted. "What does he need them for?"

Virgo nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders. "Beats me. Any other questions?"

"How are you two with your guests?" I curiously asked. "Do you somehow have any troubles with them?"

"Kylie's perfect." Dio blurted and quickly ducked her head realising what she said. I can see her neck turning red.

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