The Runway

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The 4x4 meeting room on the 16th floor of Star Media Building was awfully quiet, there were eight people in attendance but none of them said a single word. One of the people there, a girl, looked at her friends in concern, worried that some of them stopped breathing; while the other seven looked at her in disbelief. The news that she relayed a few seconds ago had them in a state of shock.

How was it possible? How could someone organize an international event, that would be attended by the biggest name of fashion industry, the most glamour industry there was, and thus highly anticipated by the world; all in 25 days? To top it of? They did not even have any models to work with!!

"You really have to go with a bang, do you??" Hyung Sik said with a smirk. He was not expecting the news but he was not surprise either, he should have had guess that his sister would always go the hard way.

"Er, is it too late for me to bail?" Seung Ho asked skeptically.

"Director, there's a limit for being eccentric. And this is just crossing the limit..." Hyo Rin said with worried look. "Twenty five days!! How do you suppose we organize a fashion show in that much of time??!" she exclaimed.

"I have to agree with Editor Min, we already have enough problems with the model. Why don't we just focus on that problem and carry on as is..." Il Woo added. He turned to his bestfriend, "Yong Hwa-ya, say something!" he hoped the bestfriend would back them up since it was the topic they just discussed before the Director walked in.

Shin Hye turned to her Creative Director and looked at him dejectedly, scared of yet another rejection. The man looked at her gently, actually he agreed with his friends; but knowing her, she must have had a very good reason of making the decision.

"Why?" he asked softly.

"Yong-a!!?" Il Woo yelled, he was afraid his friend was letting personal matter clouded his professionalism.

"Ya! No matter how close we are right now, she's still our Director! Let's hear her out... she must have reason for deciding this!!" Yong Hwa snapped back, his friends was taken aback by his outburst; they slowly turned to Shin Hye expecting her reason.

Shin Hye heaved a deep sigh, "Okay! Remember when we discuss about this before we head back to Seoul? Hyung Sik threw an idea that made me think..." everybody turned to Hyung Sik, the guy jerked from the sudden spotlight.

He looked at his sister quizzically, "Me?" he pointed his nose in confusion.

"The fact that Belle might have the same concept with us." the attendees had a sudden change in expression, "I knew Kang So Ra from way before, back in Highschool. And it is not a statement of jealousy when I say that she was not a creative person, I don't know about the rest of the people there... but she is the decision maker so I assume she practically represented the whole company. I'd say we do it like we did our December edition, surprise them with something unexpected!"

"Bottom line, you believe that they are copying our concept and thus wanted the preparation of our event to be done in discreet?" Yong Hwa tried to back her up.

"Exactly! I notice that we have almost never change our concept for the last three years and because we don't have any competitor, each events was considered a success. But this year is different... we have a direct competitor, there's a high probability that the competitor will hold the exact same thing as us, in addition... they have more budget than us. Which mean they could make it bigger, merrier, more interesting than us. If we stick to our original concept, we are practically ran over by them. And all of our effort will go down the drain..." Shin Hye explained patiently, she intentionally went with a gentler approach since the team was basically on the same boat, she just needed to direct the boat according to her wish.

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