Part 1

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Henry sat at his table, eating breakfast. He was a lonely man, that lost contact with most of the people he knew years ago.
So he was very curious when he saw a yellow tinted envelope slide through the mail slot in his door. Henry got up and walked out the door, picking up the letter and opening it up.
It had slightly familiar writing on it. Henry read through the letter, figuring out it was from an old friend, Joey Drew.
He wanted Henry to come visit the studio because he wanted to show him something. "Might as well, I don't really have much to do." Henry shrugged.
So he got dressed and brushed his teeth, then left his house. Henry looked at the front of the old studio before slowly opening the creaky door and entering. He closed the door behind him.
The studio was just as he'd left it, except there was ink dripping down some of the walls, and there were cobwebs in every corner.
Some of the posters were a bit faded, and lots of the furniture was broken. Also everywhere he looked, Henry saw a can of bacon soup.
He ran his hand gently over the Bendy posters as he walked down the hall, further into the old studio. "Joey?" Henry called. No answer.
He decided to explore the studio a bit. What could go wrong? He entered a room with a railing to block people from falling into a big pit. There was something on chains that could be pulled up by a lever, but the batteries were missing.
Henry looked around and spotted a chest. He went and opened it up, and saw two batteries inside of it. He picked them up, and put them in the power box. He reached over and flipped the lever.
The chains screeched and groaned as they pulled something heavy and huge into view. It was an ink machine. "Oh, guess that's why the studio went broke." Henry said to himself.
He left the room, and went to look for the switch to turn on the machine. "I wonder if it still works." Henry muttered.
He walked won multiple hallways, and finally came to a room with six pedestals, and the power station to the machine.
Henry studied the pedestals. There were pictures above them, all of different objects. A bendy plushy, a gear, a bottle of ink, a CD, a book called The Illusion Of Living, and a wrench.
Henry remembered spotting a gear in the box with the batteries. He went back to the ink machine room and collected the rusty gear.
He left to go put the gear on the pedestal. On his way, a board fell over inches from him. Henry froze, and glared at the board.
He waited a few seconds, and nothing happened, so he went into the pedestal room and placed the gear down.
To Henry's amazement, the gear floated above the pedestal. "How the hell?" Henry wondered, waving his hand in the space that was between the gear and pedestal.
Henry gave up on trying to figure it out, and left to the room next to this one. The animator's jaw dropped.
A Boris clone was laying at a table, his stomach and chest ripped open, and a wrench sitting inside of his stomach.
"Is that Boris?! Was it alive?!" Henry was so confused. "Joey what the hell were you doing?!" Henry carefully fished the wrench out of the corpse, not wanting to touch it.
Henry turned around to go back to the pedestal room that's was right before this room, and froze. The board that had fell before now held a bendy cutout on it, standing up.
"Now I'm officially scared." Henry peeped. He went by the cutout, not breaking his gaze from it. The wrench was placed in the pedestal and Henry left for the other objects, all around the first floor of the studio.
It was about an hour later that he finally finished. He flicked the lever on the power box, and heard a low roar from the ink machine.
"Now I have to find that valve to turn it on." Henry said, leaving the room. He eventually found it, and turned it. There was a small click and a projector turned on by itself, making Henry jump.
It played Bendy's theme song as the little demon danced on the screen. Henry smiled slightly, remembering the good days of animating. Which also reminded him that Joey had fired him.
When Joey got here, he'd smack that jerk so hard that he'd wished he were never born. Henry sighed, and went to go check if the ink machine was working.
A pipe burst overhead and got ink on Henry's shirt. The floor started flooding with ink, and Henry ran out of the room. He got back to the ink machine, but was surprised to see it blocked off by boards.
"How did these get here?" Henry wondered, stepping closer to the blocked doorway.
There was a screech, and a hand shot out from the space in between some boards, pushing Henry onto the ground.
The animator screamed and got to his feet, getting a glimpse of an inky smile and horns. Then Henry realized who it was; Bendy, but he was eight feet tall, covered in ink, and ready to kill.

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