Dark To Light (9)

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Dark To Light Chapter 9

By: WhitneyMccormick


Andy told me that I had and interview for a job at a place that helps kids who have been what I have been through. I was more then happy to apply.  We were on our way to the interview. I was in a yellow sun dress and sandals. My hair was pinned back. I looked pretty. Andy grabbed my hand and looked at me. I smiled. We hadnt really talked much about anything we just layed there looking at each other. I know thats weird, but isnt that what couples do? I turned away from him and looked out the window. It was truly beautiful out there.  The trees were a bright green, the flowers were fully bloomed. We pulled up to a building. It was small. The sign said "Family Help".  I got out and fixed my dress. Andy grabbed my hand. "I know the lady who runs this place her name is Ellen. She was my moms best friends." I smiled at him. I was so nervous.  I had never been interview for anything. I wasnt even sure what it was. I reached out and pulled open the door. A breeze of cold air hit my face. I inhaled taking in the sweet vanilla scent.  A lady walked up to me.  "Im Ellen, You must be Elisa?" I nodded softly . "Come with me." she smiled.

I followed her into a small office. I took my seat in a chair positioned infron of her desk.  I looked at her. "So Andy tells me you were in a bad family matter?"

"Yes.." I closed my eyes quickly to hold back the tears. "Oh well why do you want to have this job?


Ellen took my hand hers and see whipped away a tear falling from her eye. She looked at me. "Im so sorry, Elisa." she sobbed. "Its fine.. I want to help people who are in my position  because I know how it feels." Ellen  smiled and nodded "You have the job she smiled big.  I jumoed out o my set. "Really??"

"You start on Monday at 9" she nodded. I ran right out of the room and looked for Andy. He was sitting in a chair looking at the T.V. I walked over to him and jumped into his arms. "I got the job"I giggled. "He smilled me "I knew you would." he whispered.  I took his hands as we exited. " WHAT THE HELL!!!"   I turned around and saw Haley she was looking at me wide eyed.  I froze i didnt know what to do. "YOU CHOOSE THAT OVER ME!!" she yelled coming closer.  She flung her hand into my face. My head did  one of those movies slaps. I grabbed my face. All the times being hit adn pushed around came flooding back. I balled my hand into a fist. I didnt care. I flung it and made contact with her face because I heard a crack. "DONT TOUCH ME!" I screamed in her face. Tears spilled out of my eyes. I screamed and fell to the ground. " SHE BROKE MY NOSE!!" she cried. Andy looked at her and me.  He looked at me and pulled me into his arms. I cried into his chest. Haley looked at us. I felt my hair being pulled. I fell to the ground again. I screamed. It didnt hurt, it just scared the crap out of me.  I jumped up and punched her in the nose again. I watched as blood  came out of her nose. She screamed loudly and ran off.  Andy grabbed me and drug me to the car and placed me into the car. I was so freaked out. "Im sorry..." 

"Andy... she shouldnt have touched me. I never meant to break her noise. All the times my mom hurt me just flood back and It seemed like I was hitting my mom.." Andy looked at me for a second. The look in his told me he understood. He lift the arm rest and cam closer to me and pulled me to. I cuddled my head into his neck. I looked up at him and smiled. He lowered his head and kissed me. His lips were so sweet and gentle. Our lips fit perfectly together. He leaned into me. I wrapped my arms around him. I pulled away and looked at him. "I love Andy Reed... You are what I've alwayed wanted.." I began to cry. I felt so stupid crying. Andy just held me and told me He loved me. I closed my eyes for a quick second and woke up in the hotel cuddled into Andy. I just closed my eyes and fell back to sleep in his arms.


Srry for not posting I have been busy hope you like it and sorry it its short I have a lot of homework

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