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third person pov

the boys meet up with the girls outside the zieglers. all them go to their dates and do whatever they do. lilia lauren hayden and jacob all talk together about the other couples

jayden- hey cars

carson- wow you look amazing jay

jayden- *grabs his hand* thank you, so do you

asher- you're so gorgeous

annie- thank you *blushes* you look great too ash

lauren- hey hayden, jacob

hayden- hey lilia, lauren

lilia- you boys look good

jacob- thanks so do you girls

hayden- what do y'all think about the happy couples

lauren- HEY we're a happy couple *laughs*

jacob- well we already know you guys are great

hayden- we mean the new sort of couples that aren't really couples

lilia- *laughs* i think they're all cute

lauren- *laughs* yeah same they are

lilia- especially kenzie and johnny

hayden- yeah i've never seen johnny this hung up on a girl

lauren- me neither

jacob- johnny's in love, he would never admit it but he fell hard for her real quick

lauren- he said he likes her?

lilia- yeah the other day in class when i was there with the boys we were all talking about hoco and he said he kinda likes her

lauren- awwwww

kenzie- *looks down* hey johnny

johnny- wow...you look gorgeous

kenzie- *blushes* really?

johnny- *grabs her chin and makes her look up into his eyes* kenzie you look amazing, you're so beautiful

kenzie- thanks, you look amazing too *smiles*

johnny- *smiles* you ready to go?

kenzie- yeah let's go get hayden and jacob

in the car

kenzie pov

it's kinda awkward in the car cuz im the only girl so i feel like all three of them are just staring at me

third person pov

kenzie- *breaks the silence* do you guys know how awkward and intimidating it is being the only girl in the car with 3 dudes? the least you guys could do is talk

hayden- *chuckles* well let's talk then

jacob- *smirks* johnny

johnny- *looks at him through mirror* yeah?

jacob- how's the love life going

johnny- *mutters* shut up

kenzie- *blushes*

hayden- ayy johnny your girl is blushing

kenzie- *blushes more* i'm not his girl

jacob- *whispers to hayden* not yet at least

johnny- ok that's enough of this. we're here

all the group meets up at the school gym for the dance

jayden- nice decor *looking around*

asher- hell yeah

lilia- let's go get a table

they all walk to a table and all go and do their own thing

(ok i'm like really lazy rn so i'm only gonna do kenzie and johnny's hoco experience)

johnny was trying to gain the nerve to ask kenzie to dance with him

carson- c'mon bro you already did the hard part of asking her to go with you. now all you have to do it ask her to dance

johnny takes a deep breath and walks over to kenzie. she was sitting with lilia lauren and annie

johnny- h-hey kenzie

kenzie- *looks up and smiles* hey johnny

annie lilia and lauren all started to squeal and make kissy faces. kenzie shoots them a look

johnny- w-would you like to dance with me...?

kenzie- *smiles and takes his hand* of course i'd like to dance with you johnny

they both walk to the dance floor. johnny puts his hands around her waist and she wraps her hands around his neck

kenzie- i really appreciate you asking me

johnny- *blushes* yeah if course, why wouldn't i want to take you

kenzie- *blushes* i don't know boys just don't like me

johnny- *takes a deep breath* i-i like you mackenzie

kenzie- *looks up into his eyes* really johnny?

johnny- yeah i really like you kenzie, you're sweet, funny smart

kenzie- *smiles* i like you too johnny

johnny leans in and places his lips onto hers softly. she kisses him back slowly. he moves his hand to her cheek. they slowly pull away and look into each others eyes

hayden- GET YO GIRL JOHNNY!!!!

jacob smacks him. johnny and kenzie turn to see all their friends staring at them. as soon as they look they all turn and act like they weren't watching. johnny and kenzie laugh and go over to their friends


kenzie- sooo?

annie- is it official????

kenzie- *laughs* nope

johnny- *wraps his arms around her waist* not yet

lilia- awwwwww

lauren- JENZIE!!!

carson- don't hurt her bro

asher- you hurt her we hurt you

kenzie- chill guys we're not dating

johnny- *leans his head on kenzie* not yet

they all laugh. the night went on for a while. afterwards kenzie and johnny go home alone. jacob and hayden go with annie and asher

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