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johnny pov 

i wanted to take her somewhere special since she had never been on a date before. we were just going as friends though. i decided since we live near the beach we could to to the santa monica pier. so i decided to take her there 

third person pov

kenz- johnny where are we going?

johnny- *smiles* you'll have to wait and see 

kenzie smiles back

johnny- ok, we're here 

kenzie- awwww you took me to the pier 

johnny- *smiles* i uh hope you like it...

kenzie- *goes to hug him* awwwww i love it 

they went to go get food

kenz- okay i've really only known you for like 2 days

johnny- hhahahaha i forgot about that 

kenz- i want to get to know more about you 

johnny- ok, same 

kenzie- tell me about yourself

johnny- well me and jayden are twins, we live with our dad, but he's never home. our mom died a few years ago from cancer. our dad is always of the house because he never wanted to have kids. so basically me and jayden live alone. we're really close siblings but it's hard because we only really have each other for advice. we don't have a parental figure to help us through life

by then he had tears in his eyes 

johnny- i-it's hard but jayden is the best sister

kenzie- johnny i-i'm so sorry...i had no idea-

johnny- no it's fine, not many people know 

kenzie- if it makes you feel any better, me asher and carson live with our mom who is constantly out late at night, she barely comes home, our dad left us when we were 13 and 14. we moved here from new york for i guess a fresh start. it hasn't been too bad really, but i do miss having a normal family 

johnny- awww i'm sorry kenz

kenzie- thanks, but it's fine, me carson and ash are super close and we always have been. they're like my bestfriends

johnny- okay on a lighter note, how come you've never been on a date before this?

kenzie- *looks down* i- uh no one's ever asked me so i just never have been on a date...

johnny- how have you never been asked out before? you're beautiful and funny and smart

kenzie- *blushes* i don't know, guys just don't like me 

johnny- awww trust me there are guys who like you 

kenzie- *blushes harder* thankssss. now what about you? have you ever dated?

johnny- i've dated a little, more of just hookups and one night stands

kenzie- you've never felt anything for a girl?

johnny- i- um well there was this one girl when i was younger...

kenzie- you don't have to tell- 

johnny- no i want to 

kenzie- ok...

johnny-  she was my parent's best friends daughter, she was everything to me, we did everything together, she was my best friend and i was in love with her. when i was 13 i realized what love was and that i loved her deeply. we started dating when we were 13. and well when we were 14 we you know, had sex. i lost my virginity to her. we did it and well we were reckless teenagers and she got pregnant at 14 years old. since she was so young we lost the baby. i was broken after that. she basically cut me out of her life after that and told everyone i forced her to have sex and then told her to get an abortion. i was heartbroken. i was only 14 going through all that

kenzie- johnny...i'm so sorry. no one should go through that *pulls him into a hug* 

johnny- after that my mother died and it was just so much to deal with at the same time. jayden was also having a really hard time with mom being sick and dad constantly being out. rather than throwing all my problems onto her, i just kept it all in. 

he was on the verge of crying at this point. kenzie pulls him into a big hug and starts to comfortingly rub his back 

kenzie- it's ok to not be ok, no one is going to deal with that well, you shouldn't be scared to tell jayden things, she's your sister, yout twin. you will always have each other

johnny- thank you kenzie

kenzie- of course johnny, im here for you

johnny- kenzie, i hope you know, you're special to me, you're different from other girls

kenzie- *smiles* you're special to me too johnny 

johnny- okay i want to take you to one more place before i take you home 

kenzie- okay, where? 

johnny- it's a surprise *smirks* 

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