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skip to a few days later

johnny pov

i came home from hanging out with the boys asher, carson, jacob, and hayden. we were at haydens house playing video games and talking. asher and carson are really cool, they're super nice. i got home and opened the front door 

johnny- jayden i'm home!

i didn't hear anyone but i knew she was home because the front door was unlocked

johnny- jayden? 

i go upstairs and see her door is closed

johnny- jayden? 

i say as i slowly open her door. i see she's sitting on the edge of her bed with her head down and she's crying softly. i walk over to her and sit next to her and put my arm around her and hug her

third person pov

johnny- hey *softly*

jayden looks up. her eyes have tears in them and her face was red from crying

jayden- h-hey j-johnny

she looks down again 

johnny- hey, whats the matter?

jayden- i-it's nothing

johnny- jayden, we're twins, i know when you lie, plus you're crying 

jayden- i-i conner, he cheated on me. we were together for 9 months, and he cheats now, what did i do wrong, why am i not good enough for him *through sobs* 

johnny- hey hey *tilts her chin up to look at him* you're way better than him, if he cheated, it's his loss. he's not worth your tears

jayden- *pulls johnny into a hug* thank you johnny 

johnny- remember what mom always said 

jayden- *smiles* never let a guy make you think you're not good enough 

johnny- that's right, you're way better than this, you deserve way better, if he decides to cheat after 9 months, thats his problem, you'll find someone way better

jayden- thanks johnny, i really appreciate it 

johnny- of course jay, i love you 

jayden- *playfully rolls eyes* i love you too asshole

johnny- *laughs* shut up, let's go get ice cream

jayden- ooooo ok!

they left and went to the ice cream shop 

ayyyyy short chapter

haaahahha thxxx for reading

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