twenty five

200 7 0

third person pov

at the orlando house 

jayden unlocks the door puts her stuff down and goes upstairs to johnny's room 

jayden- *softly* john?

johnny was laying on his bed looking at the ceiling. he sit's up on the edge of his bed 

johnny- hey jay...

jayden- johnny what happened? 

johnny couldn't hold it anymore. he burst into tears. jayden quickly went over to him and sat next to him and pulled him into a big hug. he was crying into her shoulder for a while until he calmed down. 

johnny- kenzie kissed isaak 

jayden- that's messed up for her to do to you 

johnny- why did she do it though. what did i not do for her 

jayden- johnny it's not your fault 

johnny- *looks at her* shouldn't you be taking her side 

jayden- why would i do that? 

johnny- *sniffling* she's your best friend

jayden- *hugs him tighter* but you're my brother, i'll always take your side

johnny- *smiles* thanks jay 

jayden- *smiles* of course john. do you wanna go get ice cream 

johnny- *smiles* yeah 

at the zieglers 

carson and asher walked upstairs to kenzie's room. they walked in and sat on her bed

asher- kenz?

she turns around and sits up 

kenzie- what are you guys doing here 

carson- we wanted to know what happened? 

kenzie- *sighs* (she tells them what happened cuz im too lazy to type it)

carson- so you didn't kiss him back? 

kenzie- no but i think johnny saw and thought i kissed him 

asher- oh kenzie, why don't you explain to him 

kenzie- he probably hates me right now 

carson- take your time, but i think it'd be best if you just talk to him

kenzie- please don't tell him, i want to talk to him myself 

asher and carson both nod and walk out of the room 

the next day at school 

the whole group was standing at the lockers besides kenzie asher and carson. asher and carson had to go to the office to do something so kenzie slowly walked over to them alone. they all saw her and as soon as johnny saw her he got up and walked away. everyone turned to kenzie with a mad face

kenzie- *softly* morning 

jayden-  good morning mackenzie 

kenzie- before anyone says anything i didn't kiss isaak 

annie- so that wasn't you 

kenzie- *takes a deep breath* no it was me, but he forced himself onto me, i didn't kiss him back. johnny just saw as he kissed me, but i pushed him right off of me 

jacob- so you didn't cheat on him?

kenzie- *looks down* no, i would never cheat on johnny

lauren- why don't you tell him 

kenzie- he won't even go near me 

lilia- he'll come around soon enough 

hayden- this just shows though that he really likes you

jayden- yeah i've never seen john get this upset over a girl

kenzie- *smiles* please don't tell him anything, i want to explain to him 

they all nod. the bell rings and they go to class. kenzie see's johnny about to turn the corner so she calls after him 

kenzie- JOHNNY!

johnny stops and turns around 

johnny- i don't want to hear it 

kenzie- but-

johnny- i gave you everything, i took you out on your first date, i was your first kiss, you literally lost your virginity to me. and you still went to kiss isaak. good to know you were lying when you told me you loved me 

kenzie was taken aback by that 

kenzie- but johnny i- 

johnny- save it, i don't want to hear it

and with that he walked off. kenzie slid down on the lockers and started crying again. lauren walked over to her and sat next to her 

lauren- hey girl 

kenzie- *sniffling* hey lolo 

lauren- you want to talk about it?

kenzie- he thinks i don't love him anymore *cries* 

lauren- *hugs her* oh kenzie, deep down he knows you still love him and he still loves you too

kenzie- i feel like such a bitch. he hates me now 

lauren- shhhh kenz he loves you so much 

kenzie just sit's with lauren and cries through the class period 

with johnny

after he stormed away from kenzie he sat on the floor by the water fountain and started crying. hayden walked over to him when he was him. he had never seen johnny crying before and for some reason that hurt him seeing his bestfriend crying

hayden- hey john

johnny- hey hayden...

hayden- whats up john

johnny- *crying* i gave her everything, and she still went back to him. why was i not enough for her 

hayden- *hugs him* johnny she still loves you too, she may not realize it yet but she loves you still and will come back to you 

johnny- *looks at him* you think?

hayden- yes i'm sure *hugs him again* 

thanks for reading 

this was kinda just a filler chapter 

vote if you wanna💍

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