Chapter 5

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*Another time skip*

Izuku's POV

Now I'm sitting in class staring out the window. I have no need to pay attention, seeing that I'm most likely the smartest person in here, I know all the material. Class ends and now we are waiting for our next teacher.

Ever since people found out about my shadow, they have kind of kept away. Not that they were scared, it's just that they have finally caught on to the aura I give off, sort of like a look but don't touch. And that's how I want it to stay. Although it's weird hearing people whisper about me.

I'm used to the gossip, but there seems to be no malice intent behind the soft words that are being shared among the cliques. Now class is over and we're waiting for our next teacher, when all might comes into the room. "like a normal person" are his exact words. "Today we will commence in.........BATTLE TRAINING!!!! So grab your case and meet me outside." All might shouted. Then one by one we grabbed our cases and went to change. I was the last one out wearing this:

(Imagine this but without the glasses and a tophat)
"Wow midoriya, your costume looks sick, even your shadow looks cool!!!" A red haired boy named kirishima shouted while walking over. I proceeded to nod my head and my shadow tipped his hat. He had a look of awe at what my shadow did. Then all might spoke:

"In today's battle training, I will pair you up with teams of two. One team will be the "heroes" while the other will be the "villian". (Skipping the rest of the speech because I'm lazy.) "Now first up hero team will be.... Uraraka Ochako and Izuku Midoriya." Said all might. Suddenly a semi short girl with thick bobbed brown hair walked over. "Hey we met at the exams, your the one who saved me!!!! Lucky pick huh?" She said cheerfully. "Yes indeed." I told her.

"Next, going up against the hero team is....... Iida Tenya and Bakugo Katsuki!!!" I look over to see katsuki glaring daggers while Iida had a determined look on his face. As the villians walk into the building katsuki walks past me and hisses: " I don't know where you got a quirk from, but I'm gonna hurt you so bad that they're gonna have to stop the fight." In my ear. I looked at him with a bored expression which caused the flammable dandy lion to snarl and stomp into the building.

*Buzz* "let's go" I said to my partner. We were walking down a hallway when my shadow signaled me. A second after me and Uraraka narrowly dodged an explosion near our heads. "Go find the bomb and contact me when you find it." I monotonously told her. She nodded and ran down the hallway. "So you think I'm weak don't you?" Katsuki spat menacingly with his hair shadowing his eyes.

"To weak to go against your stupid quirk!?!?" He said louder his eyes staring right back into mines. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR DOUBTING ME!!!!!!!" He said as he came at me with an explosive right hook that I easily dodged. He started throwing a barrage of kicks and punches as I dodged them all.

He jumped back panting with a menacing scowl covering his face. It turned into a grin as he raised his right arm. "You basically stalked me and my quirk all through childhood so you know how it works" he said smugly. "The more I sweat the bigger the explosion, and these gauntlets allow me to store alot of it for one big blow." He said as he started to pull the pin. "Young Bakugo, do not pull that pin it could kill him!!!!!" All might spoke frantically into the earpiece. "HE WONT GET HURT AS LONG AS HE DODGES!!!!!" He yelled as he completely pulled the pin.

An explosion that ripped through the walls and shook the floor came as a result. But as it was about to hit me I simply said: Faze. And then the explosion hit. Once the explosion died down all that was left was smoke. " YOUNG MIDORIYA, ARE YOU ALRIGHT!?!?!, ANSWER ME!!!!!" All might yelled into the earpiece.

The smoke cleared and what they saw shocked them, Bakugo the most. There stood Midoriya perfectly unharmed but one thing was different. 'Those eyes.' Bakugo thought. A shiver ran up his spine. A very familiar feeling that Bakugo didn't want to welcome, a feeling he despised, a feeling he FEARED.

The same eyes that haunted his childhood dreams to no end. And he was SCARED. Scared of what it's presence ment, what it came for, what it wanted. The green headed boys eyes were no longer the emerald green that Bakugo had come to hate. No, these eyes belonged to a demon, a MONSTER. And Bakugo was afraid. Midoriya's eyes shone a bloody, unforgiving red.

And to top it he wore a merciless glare. And for just a moment, if you looked really closely, you would see Bakugo falter. His signature scowl morphed into a face of fear, before going back to his normal scowl. A grin made its way onto Midoriya's face. No not Midoriya, this wasn't him. "Oh, so we meet again Bakugo." The thing said. "I've missed you so much." The thing's smile faltered. "Why the sad face, I thought you were happy to see me." The thing said. "I know what will cheer you up!!" It said cheerfully. "How about you meet my......friends." Then he snapped his fingers and bakugo's face paled. Every shadow in the building was gone, and in its place was a black misty figure. "Now my friends, go play."

Then every shadow dashed towards the Ill tempered boy. Try as he might, but he was no match for the power behind each kick and punch and was soon rendered unconscious. Then izuku's eyes turned back to green and the shadows disappeared. All except for his right hand man. "Take me to the bomb so this can end." I said simply to my shadow. He nodded and off we went. Soon I stood infront of a door and could hear what was left of the villain he monologuing, and faint giggles.

I rolled my eyes and walked inside. Iida saw me and started to dash forward. Izuku nodded once to his shadow companion and watched as it turns into a snake, dashed forward, and stopped any advance Iida was going to make by coiling around his shadow. Then izuku walked over to the bomb and touched it. "T-THE HERO TEAM WINS!!!!!!" Uraraka and I went back to the monitoring room and was showered with compliments on our match.

I said quiet thank you and walked away to look changed. 'that was eventful' he thought.

1145 words
Ok so next chapter is going to be a pole for the shop situation. Ok hope you enjoyed the chapter (bc it was SUPER long) ok, my lovlies, byeeeeeeee 😁😁😁

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