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3rd Person POV

"Peggy," Angelica said in a reprimanding tone. "You didn't have to keep that a secret..."

"But if Papa'd found out, he'd never let me leave the house again, I'd never be permitted a life, I'd even be hanged," Peggy said, sorrowfully.

"Don't worry. I won't tell a soul. Me, Alex, Maria, and you are the only ones who can know. But I should remind you, Laf loves you very much," Angelica said.

"And I love him loads as well," Peggy said. "I just... love two people at the same time, if you get it."

Angelica thought about Jefferson, then Alex. Maybe she did love two people, maybe she did get it.

"I don't understand that, but I'll leave you two alone," she offered her little sister a smile. She walked out the door with Alex, and getting a carriage.

"Hey, Alex, did you know about Mrs. Reynolds and my sister...? Is that why you didn't want me to come...?"

"That's about it," Alex said.

"Alright, you should've just told me though," Angelica said. She turned around and smiled at him.

"Hey, Angelica," He said, sweating the slightest.


"You know I love you, right?"

"Yeah... what's this about?"

"It's about Eliza. She's been really different, and I don't know... You want her to be happy, I get that... But how?"

"For her to be happy, my happiness needs to be sacrificed," Angelica sighed. "And I'm more than happy to give it up, how about you...?"

"So I need to be with her for her to be happy? I don't love her!"

"Alexander," She took his hand. "If you've ever loved me, you'd make just the smallest sacrifice... a loveless marriage, for me and my family's well being, even if we will never be satisfied."

"Angelica..." He breathed. "Anything for someone who satisfies me."

Those words were glued in Angelica's mind for the rest of her life. And she was silent for the rest of the trip back..

"Angelica!" Eliza squealed, running down the stairs. "Alexander just sent me the most romantic letter!" Angelica winced, happy the slightest that her sister had finally gotten what she wanted.

It'd been a week since Angelica and Alexander had talked on the carriage and Angelica'd persuaded him to make a sacrifice. She was broken, but she and Alexander had continued a secret correspondence, to not have Eliza get too suspicious.

It was nice to see Eliza as her normal self, and well aware of their whole act, Angelica calmly said, "Read it to me, if it's not too much an invasion of your privacy." She offered her sister a smile.

"Dearest Eliza, you must be much too sensible to realize that I'd like to ask you so much an important question that you couldn't even imagine what it'd be. If you could meet me outside, downtown, I'd love it very much. Signed, Alexander Hamilton." Eliza read.

"Wow, 'Liza! He wants to propose!" Angelica exclaimed. "What're you going to wear?!" Angelica whisked Eliza back upstairs and pushed her into her closet. "I'm not letting you out until you find something good enough."

She locked the door to the closet and walked back to her room and opened 'Common Sense' by Thomas Paine. Her comfort book. The book she needed more than anything right now. She, like Alexander, was an astounding actor.

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