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Angelica touched her lips all night, remembering her kiss with Alexander, and how she'd known him before. Nothing could disturb her bliss. Until at 5 AM, it was disturbed. The butler snuck into her room with a letter. "A man told me to give this to you. Without anybody seeing. I think he understands how mad your father can get."

"Thank you so much..." she took the letter as he walked out.  It was from none other than Jefferson. The one she'd knocked out last night.

Dearest Angel,
I know we aren't exactly on speaking terms at the moment, but I just wanted to say this. I've freed all my slaves since you left me, I've moved up to New York... what else do I need to do to have you? I know you still love me, Angel...

-yours and only yours,
Thomas Jefferson

She laughed at this. She didn't ever love him so how could she still love him?! She was in a laughing fit so loud, that her sisters walked in. "Reading again? Father will never approve!" Eliza said, frowning at her older sister.

"Why would I care? It's something else—" she started to laugh wildly again at the sight of the letter. Peggy saw it and immediately ran towards her and whispered as softly as possible in her ear. "Jefferson, isn't it? I'll clear Eliza out."

"Thanks Peggs—" she whispered back as Peggy made up some excuse about Mama in the kitchen. "More mail for Angelica Schuylerrrrr!" The butler's voice came from down the stairs.

"It would be amazing if you could bring it up here!" She said, a bit happy she'd be hurting Jefferson, if he even had a heart— so she went to go check her mail with a large grin on her face.

"Here, Miss." he handed her the letter and she ran it to her room and tore it open, only to smile so much more at the letter. From Alexander.

My Dearest, Angelica
How I long for you. I know it's been just one day, but when it comes to you, it's eternity. I miss you so much, I hope I can see you again. I might come around to visit you, since my low self-control always gets the better of me. Would you like to meet downtown sometime? I'd love to spend some time alone with you. Anyways, the general is calling me, I'll write soon and hope you haven't forgotten me yet. By the way, I heard you write. I could help you publish, if you'd like.

~Your Alexander

She smiled whole-heartedly at his letter, and she dropped everything to find her quill and pen to write back.

My Dearest Alexander,
I don't think it possible to forget someone as perfect as you. I miss you so much, all I could think about all night was you. Meeting downtown seems nice, maybe some evening this week? I'm downtown every day, so I should see you. And if you insist on help with publishing my works, I have bundles of pages even a man of your strength would have a hard time carrying. In the letter I received from you, I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase. It changed the meaning... did you intend this...? One stroke and you've consumed me entirely. It says 'My Dearest Angelica'... with a comma after dearest. You've written 'My Dearest, Angelica'... Anyway all is to say. I'll see you soon...

~Your Angelica

Folding up the letter, she grinned at his words, and his obvious favor. But he was for Eliza. How was her sister feeling?! But her sister was right there behind her. "Who're you writing to?" She asked in a jealous tone.

"Just a good friend."

"Not my Alexander, right?"

"Not your Alexander." She replied, trying to choke out the words, as he'd said himself otherwise. "Anyways, I'm thinking of writing him, I need some help."

"Wait until he writes you first," Angelica responded.

"He has written me!" Eliza laughed. "At least I got a letter from him and all you got was a little scrap note from Papa." Eliza said, happy with herself as she pointed to the envelope on Angelica's desk. "A letter from Papa? I didn't notice..." she said as she picked it up.

Dear Angelica,
I understand that you'll be 24 years old very soon, and you will need to be married. I trust you in finding a husband, but it's been long enough. I will be taking you to meet with a man that meets all my requirements. Rich and educated. His name is John Church, and you two will make a beautiful couple.

~Your Father, Phillip Schuyler

Angelica literally screamed at this. A husband?! Just when she found someone! Just when someone was crawling back to her! Wrong timing! "Oh. My. God. ANGELICA YOU'RE GOING TO GET MARRIED!" Eliza exclaimed. "It's going to be PERFECT! YOU COULD GET MARRIED ALONGSIDE ME AND ALEXANDER!!" Eliza screeched with joy.

Wait. "Eliza, you're marrying him?"

"Not now. But someday..."

"Has he asked you yet?"

"Heavens no! It's been one day!"

Angelica let out a sigh of relief. "Anyways, what was that letter Alexander sent you?"

"Oh, he was just saying hi. But read between the lines, and it's a love letter!" Eliza squealed.

"Let's read it..." Angelica said, gesturing for Eliza to hand her the letter. "'Dear Eliza, how's everything going? The war is going terribly I'm almost sure we're going to lose," Angelica read, "But I must still have faith. Your sister's quite a beauty, isn't she? I hope I put a good impression on her and your family, despite me being penniless. I need to get some things done, I'll write when I can. Sincerely, Alexander." Angelica finished. "This isn't a love letter, he's being casual with you."

"Read between the lines!" Eliza said, desperate.

"In between the lines, there's also no hints of love. Eliza, you need to make the first move." She said, wanting her sister to be happy.

"You're right. What should I write him?"

"Pour out all your emotions. Whatever you feel, write it." Angelica offered.

"Then I'll tell him how I feel about him." Eliza said, leaving the room, Angelica starting to work on replies to her father and Jefferson.

She offered to meet Jefferson, and she said nothing back to her father.

This while Eliza was closing her letter with 'I love you.'...

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