Chapter 12

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(3rd person POV)

America and Belarus left England's house and made plans to fly to the North American colony.

After landing in Boston, Belarus had a bunch of money wired to her so she wouldn't have to worry about any expenses during this trip.

The two of them were currently in a hotel room planning their next move.

"So what do we do first?" Belarus asked.

"First we need to get people to join our cause, so we need to go to a bunch of protests and convince them that independence is the best option." America said while creating flyers and a website for their cause.

"There's a pretty big protest about an hour from here. Apparently even today there are trade and tax issues. Which is perfect for us." America informed.

Belarus stood up and began walking to the door. "We better get going then, da?"

America and Belarus walked through the protest as people were raising signs and chanting.

"These people are too loud." Belarus winced as people screamed next to her.

"Well it is a protest. Now let's go hang up some flyers." America pumped his fist in the air as he walked off.

Belarus just sighed and followed America. The two spent the rest of the day hanging up flyers, handing them out to people, and speaking to others about their movement, however, Belarus did all the talking.

When it became night time, the two of them went back to the hotel and went to bed for the rest of the night. After a couple days of going to the protest and handing out flyers, they decided to check the website to see how many people have joined their movement.

America looked and saw that the number has now gone up to 220 people.

"That's not a lot of people." Belarus sighed.

"What are you talking about? Over 200 people have joined our movement in the first couple days. Once they start spreading the word, the number will only begin to go up exponentially." America said excitedly.

Belarus watched as America went back to messing with the website. "I swear Amerika, you're too optimistic for your own good."

America just shrugged and went back to typing on the computer.

For the next couple months, America and Belarus continued to expand their movement, going to multiple protests and giving information on their cause. America even starting handing out hundred of copies of Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Though it was very slow at first, it began to pick up steam as the months passed. Now about 9 months later, his movement was finally starting to get big enough to make headlines in the news.

Eventually their movement had surpassed 5 million people, and America could already feel something different about himself. He could feel his people, their emotions, and even thoughts. Something he had lost ever since he died. He knew that soon he would be returning, but he felt that their movement just needed one final push to bring him back.

Sure enough, one day came when a protest went south, resulting in the death of multiple people by the British military.

America couldn't help but feel a major feeling of déjà vu of the Boston massacre. Alfred could feel the pain of those who were injured and killed, as well as the anger of those who were in his movement. However, he could also feel the unrest of those who weren't in his group, many beginning to reconsider whether being independent was so bad.

America checked his website, seeing hundreds of thousands of people begin to sign up in waves. What took almost a year to reach 5 million people, was now doubled in around a day, and still rising.

America turned around to see Belarus also staring at the computer. "It seems like our movement's finally taking off, huh?"

"It would seem so, I'm just glad I don't have to go to anymore protests. One more and I'd be deaf." Belarus cringed as she remembered all the yelling.

"Haha, yeah. They can be pretty noi-." America stopped when he felt a strange sensation. The same sensation as when he disappeared from limbo.

America looked down to see that his arm had begun glowing, and it was slowly spreading to the rest of his body.

"Amerika, what's happening?!" Belarus asked with concern.

"Well I'm either disintegrating, or being brought back. I guess we just have to wait and see which one it is." America let out a short laugh.

Belarus balled her fists in nervous anticipation to the point where her knuckles were turning white.

Soon enough, America's entire body was engulfed in a glowing white, before it completely exploded and turned the whole room white.

When Belarus' vision finally returned, she saw America standing where he was before, but now he was no longer translucent, was about half a foot taller, and the war uniform he had been wearing became stretched out and ripped in multiple places where he had bulked up considerably.

Belarus just stared in awe as America checked out his new body. She hated to admit it but he was pretty attractive looking.

"Natalya! It actually worked!" America ran to Belarus and gave her a huge bear hug.

Belarus began blushing madly as America presses her face into his chest. Belarus quickly made up an excuse to push away from him.

"That's very nice Amerika, but you smell like actual shit. Go take a shower." Belarus said calmly as she looked away to hide her red face.

"I guess it has been a long time, huh?" America then looked down at his now ripped uniform. "I don't have a spare pair of clothes though."

"Just put it back on after, we'll go buy clothes later." Belarus said.

America's eyes filled with excitement as he thought he about going shopping. "Maybe we can go out and get lunch so we can try that food people call "hamburgers."" America's mouth watered as he thought about what that glorious food might taste like.

"Yeah sure, whatever. Just go take your shower."

With that, America quickly ran off to take his shower. Leaving Belarus desperately trying to calm herself down.
Word count: 1034

Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death! (Again).जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें