Chapter 2

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(Belarus POV)

'Why does every world meeting always end up like this' I thought. 'All I wanted to do is be close to big brother and now I have to deal with all these idiotic nations. I swear once I'm able to see again I'm gonna cut that British bastards head off!'

My eyesight finally started coming back to me, and I see that every nation in the room is on the ground rubbing their eyes. I locate where the Brit is and slowly take my knife out of its sheathe and start walking toward him.

Just as I'm ready to stab him I see in front of him is a unconscious teenage boy wearing some very old looking clothes. However when I look closer I see that he is somewhat translucent, before I can inspect him further, the other countries start to stir and open their eyes.

I quickly walked back to my brother and sister so no one would see me standing over the British bastard with my knife. As the nations started to get up, no one seemed to acknowledge the teenager in the middle of the floor, confirming my suspicions that he is a ghost.

Once all the nations had finished scolding England, they all decided to take up Germany's request for a 10 minute break. But extended it to an hour so they could all clear their head from what just happened.

I thought about staying to try and investigate the ghost boy, but seeing as he's most likely gonna be unconscious for a while, (I didn't think ghosts could sleep) I decided to just go follow big brother and sister.

*time skip*
(3rd person POV)

The hour passed and all of the nations returned to the meeting room, quickly getting back on track to what the actual goal of the day's meeting was.

Belarus wasn't paying attention to that though, she was too focused on the ghost boy who was just starting to wake up. Normally she ignored any ghosts she could see, or simply tuned them out so much that she couldn't see them. Something was different about this ghost though, he seemed different, like it wasn't an actual ghost. The same feeling as the rare occurrences when she met some of the ancients. She decided to just simply observe him and see what he does.
"Maska!" America heard someone calling his name during his sleep. It was muffled, but started to get louder and louder as he began to wake up.

"Maska!" America shot his head up, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he looked at who called him.

"Oh, hey mom what's up?" America mumbled.

"Don't "what's up" me, you've been asleep all day! Now get out of bed, we're going hunting with Germania." Native America said while walking out of the tent.

America yawned and blinked some more until he was finally awake enough to get out of bed. He quickly grabbed some lunch and his bow as he put on his quiver and ran out of the tent.

He found his mother walked with Germania toward a vast forest and quickly ran to check up with them. They walked further in the forest to their hunting spot, and once they reached the area, they put out some bait and waited at their post.

Some time later, a deer came out of the forest into the clearing and started to eat the bait. America pulled back his bow and started aiming it at the deer. But just before it was pointed at its target, the arrow shot from the bow and flew right above the deer. Startling it and causing it to prance away.

"Vat happened child, jou never miss?" Germania asked.

"I don't know, I never let go of the string."
As America said that he looked back at the hand that had pulled back the string, only to see that it was slowly disintegrating into a cloud of white sparkles.


"W-what the hell is happening to me?!" America started to feel a tingling sensation going up his arm as his whole arm began to disappear as well.

America collapsed to the ground staring in terror at what was once his arm, now completely gone.

Just as he thought it was over, the bow dropped out of his other hand, causing him to look at his other hand, only to see that it was also beginning to disappear.

He couldn't look from his disappearing limbs until he felt a pair of hands clasp the sides of his face. He looked up to see his mother looking at him with concern on her face as tears threatened to fall from her eyes.

"Maska! Are you alright, what's happening to you?!" America could only stare at his mother's worried face, and then up to Germania who's usual stoic expression was also filled with worry.

America tried to slow down his breathing so he could answer them and not pass out from hyperventilating.

"I-I don't know, I have no clue what's happening." America looked down to see that now one of his legs was half gone.

"Whatever it is I'm not sure it's leaving me with not that much time left." America let out a dry laugh as he looked up and saw that his mother now had tears freely flowing down her face.

America gave her a small, strained smile, trying not to panic and terrify her more. "I'll be fine mother, I don't know exactly where I'm going but I know everything will be alright. The hero is prepared for everything." Flashing a true million mega-watt smile.

"Native America tightly gripped her son as is other leg completely disappeared. Finally letting the flood gates open as she began bawling.

"Please don't cry mother, I don't know what this is but we have to stay strong and smile the negative feelings away. That's what you always taught me right? America looked at her as she raised her head to look at him.

Native America let a small smile grace her lips as she looked at her sons own large smile. She bent down and kissed him on the forehead.

"Máni waš'ákA Maska." She said as she held what what left of him in his arms.

"Tókša, mamá." America said as the rest of his body disappeared into sparkles and flew away in the wind.

"Native America, are jou alright?" Germania asked, still concerned about what they just witnessed.
"No" Native America stayed as she stood up and wiped the tears from her face. "But I must remain strong for my son."

With that she walked back to the camp to tell the rest of the ancients what has happened.
Word count: 1124

máni waš'ákA - stay strong

tókša, mamá - goodbye, mother

Idk if the translations are right.

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