Chapter 5

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(3rd person POV)

As all the nations finished entering the room, Alfred pulled out the small flute from his uniform.

"Tada! I knew I had it somewhere." America presented it to Belarus, only to see that she was now talking with 2 other nations.

'She's probably gonna be ignoring me for the rest of the meeting, so she doesn't look like an insane person talking to the air.' America thought to himself.

'Might as well use the rest of the day to practice, haven't used this thing in literally 200 years.'

America took a seat directly on top of the podium facing all of the nations. While he was invisible to nearly everyone, for Belarus she could see America blocking the view of the next speaker. Who at the time was Germany. She couldn't tell whether to find it humorous or annoying.

Meanwhile America began playing his flute. Messing up some notes and rhythm at the beginning, but eventually getting the hang of it as he remembered how he used to play.

He began to think about what songs he should play, eventually deciding to play the one he was best at. Yankee Doodle.

As America began to play the song, he noticed that none of the nations reacted to it, except for Belarus, of course.

That was until he looked over to where England was, and saw that he was very pale and was breaking out into a cold sweat.

He looked at England as he began to shake. That's when America realized that somehow, England could hear him play. America jumped off the podium and walked over to where England was, playing the flute louder to torture him a little.

England began to go into a full blown panic attack, putting his head down and covering his ears.

"Angleterre, are you alright?" France asked worriedly.

'Make it stop, make that stupid song stop!' England screamed in his head.

England slammed his trembling hands on the table and looked at all of the now staring countries.

"Whoever is playing that bloody music, stop it right now! Or I swear I will send every nuke I have on your country!"

America stopped playing his music when Britain said that, not because he was scared of the Brit, but because he didn't want any innocent country to get hit with a nuke, whatever that was.

Canada stood up and put his hand on England's shoulder. "England, calm down, eh.
What music are you talking about?"

England just shrugged Canada's hand off his shoulder and sat back down. "I don't know, I swear I heard music playing. Maybe I'm just stressed." England closed his eyes and started rubbing his forehead.

America decided to pocket the flute for now, he can terrorize England when he isn't threatening other countries with destruction.

The rest of the meeting went by smoothly, besides the few countries still wary of the irritated superpower.

America analyzed the rest of the countries in the room, figuring out who all of the ones he hasn't met are.

He observed the Italy brothers, Austria and Hungary, Japan, Ukraine, and Russia.

Russia seemed the most interesting to America. Even without seeing anything, America could tell he was strong, he might even have super strength like himself.

After the meeting ended, America had to decide who to go with. He could go with Belarus and her siblings to their home, but that was all the way in Russia. He also didn't feel like their friendship was close enough for him to crash at her house.

The second choice was follow Canada, which would be much closer, but there was the chance of him still living in the colony house up in Massachusetts. Which meant that England would most likely be there.

The third choice would be to just live on his own, he doesn't need to eat or worry about any 'human' needs. Not like he was human in the first place anyway.

After some contemplating, he decided to follow the FCE family out of the conference room and to their vehicle.

'What is this vehicle anyway? Last I checked everyone got around with horses. Now everyone drives in metal boxes. Everything has completely changed, sure it's been almost 2 and a 1/2 centuries but still, it's advanced so fast.' America couldn't help but let a big smile spread on his face.

America sat in the middle of the back of the car, Kumajiro on one side, and Canada on the other. France was driving with England passed out in the passenger seat.

Canada also began to doze off, tired from having to get up at 5:30 am.

America looked at his dozing brother and got an idea. He pulled out the flute from his uniform again, and began playing a lullaby their mother taught them.

Canada began to close his eyes and lazily hum along to the melody, until he eventually fell asleep himself.

America smiled down at his sleeping brother. "Sweet dreams, Kanata."

America spent the rest of the car ride attempting to get Kumajiro to notice him, but failed to do so.

'This is crap, I thought animals could sense ghosts. Or was that only dogs.' America thought as the car pulled up to the house.

He walked up to the large house, confirming that it was that stupid colonial house he stayed in alone for decades. He contemplated just turning around and leaving, but decided against it. Knowing England, he will leave for his own country eventually.

Instead of waiting for France to wake up the other two nations, America just walked forward and fazed through the door. When he entered the house he found himself in the very familiar living room.

America found 4 nations sitting on the couch. One was using a sheep as a pillow to sleep on, another quietly drinking tea and reading, and the other two staring at a big rectangle with moving pictures.

'Seems like Britain claimed more colonies while I was gone.' America scoffed as he thought about what horrible things these countries had to go through under Britain's rule.

America became transfixed on the rectangle of moving pictures. 'At least the future has nice entertainment.' America thought as he sat on an empty spot on the couch.

As the FCE family entered the house, 3 more people ran out from a different room to greet them. The two in front were both children, while the one in back was much older, and looked like China.

America began to grow irritated by seeing how many more nations are under England's control. So he got up and marched out of the room before he had another emotional breakdown.

America marched all the way to his and Canada's former room, seeing that his name tag on the door has long since been switched for someone named "Australia."

America walked through the door and threw himself on the bed with a thud. He closed his eyes, not even being tired, but just wanting the day to end. Eventually he began to drift off the sleep, dreaming about hunting with his mother up in limbo.
Word count: 1191

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