Moving On

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A/N: Hello fellow readers, I am now back in school which means that I am coming back and update this book regularly because I now have management of my time and my life isn't spiraling out of control.

Uh I really don't know what direction I was going with this short story, for sure I am going to edit this in the future. Meanwhile, if you enjoy it please vote.

FYI: Just a head start there is a bit of fluff and angst

Y/ n and Bucky laid on a blanket, it was dark and the only thing that illuminated the grass was the moon. Both of them looking at the stars making up stories about what each made up constellation meant while holding hands. After a moment of silence Y/n turned her head to see him, only to see a pale face. She sat up rapidly her heart was beating and she felt a her throat closing. She saw he was wounded by gunshots, he laid there lifeless with his eyes open yet with a small smile.

Y/n woke up and stared at the wall beside her, she sat up and looked at the clock it was only 3:12 am. She lay down again and turn to her side. She had another nightmare, seeing another teammate dead. Yet this one scared her, unlike others were she would feel sad, this one sent chills down her spine. Sleep slowly engulfed her, making her doze off and sleep again.


There was a knock on the door. Y/n groan and turned to her other side ignoring the knock. There was then a pounding followed by the doorknob turning.

Y/n felt the mattress sink next to her. She smiled but still pretend to be asleep.

"Come on you aren't asleep."

Y/n turned around and smiling

"Good morning" Bucky said.


"Steve made pancakes and if you want some you better hurry up before the others devour them." He got up.

Y/n slid her hand under her pillow and pulled out her phone checking the time. "It's 7am"

Bucky sat in y/n's desk chair "That's why Steve got early to do them." He spun himself "He said-" he spun "that pancakes are" he spun "meant to be eaten early" he continue to spin.

Y/n got out of bed and stop him "Well then I'm up" grabbing him by the hand "now please stop spinning before you break my chair."

Steve was in the kitchen drinking his coffee and reading the newspaper. He heard both Y/n and Bucky laugh from the hallway.

Steve smile, thinking of 12 jokes already that those two could be talking about. He put his newspaper down on the island and got two mugs from the cupboard.

"Good morning Steven" Y/n said sitting on the barstool.

"Good morning l/n, I see that Buck got you to get up"

"So where are my pancakes?" She asked looking for them around the counter.

"I might have bribed her" Bucky said going into the pantry

Steve turned around with two cups of coffee giving one to y/n. "Little dipshit" he murmured

"Heard that" Bucky's voice muffled from the room trying to find some pancake mix.

"So how are you feeling" Steve said

Y/n then realize what day it was. "I'm fine actually. I mean how do you feel after losing someone." She smiled taking a sip from her coffee.

"Found it!" Bucky came out with a cake mix.

"Bucky that's a cake mix" Y/n pointed out.

"Isn't it the same, it serves the same purpose"

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