The truth📗

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After arriving at the avengers facility where my car was, we both stayed in the car for a while talking.

It was silent now which I knew I needed to tell him. "Pietro?"


"We need to talk. I need to tell you something actually."

He looked at my concerned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing but... we can't do this again. We can't go out."

"Why? You didn't like it. Did I do something wrong?" He rambled

"No I did enjoy it. It's just that..." I thought for a moment. Thinking of a excuse to tell him "... if I'm being honest. I am still... I'm not over my ex. I'm not the girl you actually want to be with." I looked down waiting for a respond.

"What do you mean? I think you're jumping to conclusions, we've just met. It's normal to feel weird on the first date. He explain.

"It's not that. I'm telling you I'm not ready to move on."

"Then why the flirting, holding hands. Most importantly why did you agree to go on a date." He retaliated

I looked out the window then at him "I did it because I thought I was ready to move one, but after today I still think about him." I lied. "I need to go know." I whispered.

"Do you still love him?" He murmured.

I looked up, "Yes." I opened the car door "I need to go now."

I got out the car and close the door. I went to my car and started the engine. I put my seatbelt on, input my location back home. This was going to be a long ride back.

I started to drive away, it was dark out in the road. The moon was the only source of light but the trees covered it. I put on my music and blasted sad songs. I sang them all at some point I was actually screaming the lyrics.

Why did I actually fall for Pietro, I shouldn't have listened to my dad. I should have avoided him and not talked to him. Actually why did I accept that internship, if I didn't chose it I wouldn't have ended again at SHIELD.

I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love with anyone. I didn't want to risk it again. I didn't want to commit anymore mistakes that would ruin my life. I was afraid of falling for someone who leave me once they knew about my dark past.

I still remember when I first saw the twins back in Stuckers base.

"I talked to these twins. They seem like they would be down to do anything in order to go against Stark." He smiled laying down on my lap.

"That's great." I said looking at the small television in our small living room.
I was organizing some documents. I heard Strucker and Him talking with some people, they sounded unfamiliar. I kept on listening, a girl and a boy. They talked about themselves and their background. Orphans after some weapons from Stark Industries landed in their apartment. Learning sokovian really paid off. I then got interrupted by one of the agents.

"L/n those files aren't going to organize themselves. Hurry up." He ordered.

"Yes sir." I looked down at the filies picking up my pace and organizing them.

"Also you and the other girls are going to go out the city and make sure that the shipment has arrived." He recalled.

"Yes." I knew what I had to do when he told me that. Steal the cargo and kill if necessary. This was a routine that was assigned to the few female agents because usually the drivers were not dangerous. There was a few times were some were killed. Fortunately I wasn't the one killing those poor men.

After that mission I came back to the base. I looked for Him. I found him in the area of experimentations and medical. I came up behind him looking at what he was looking.

Without breaking contact at the glass window he said "One of twins is taking it great."

I looked at a boy with auburn curls and a stubble beard. His face contorted as one of the doctors injected some substance into the he boy's IV.

"He looks in pain." I said

"Yeah, but he hasn't died yet. Which means that he's doing fine."

I looked at Him "Well I'm about to go home. Do I wait for you?" I asked.

He looked at me "Go ahead. I'll get there later."

I got home I prepared dinner for me and watch some soap opera on tv. I was slowly starting to learn Sokovian which made it easier to follow along. After finishing I cleaned the dishes and got ready for bed. I knew He would come back late at night. He would first go out to local bar with other agents, spend the night with one of those girls then come here.

At this point I didn't even fight him or confronted him. I knew he would never change and I was tired and all I wanted was to live in peace even if I knew he was out there cheating. I didn't care anymore. But I promised myself that if one day I got out of this shithole I would never fall in love again.

I got back to my apartment and I saw that Madison was not here yet. It was already late so I decided to text her:

 It was already late so I decided to text her:

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I got out my car and I went up to my place

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I got out my car and I went up to my place. I put my stuff on the couch I went to my room and laid on the bed looking at the ceiling. I then started to cry. I cried until I couldn't anymore. I got some comfy clothes and went to bed.

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