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A/n: This is a long one shot for the ones I usually do.
If you want me to write some prompt for you just comment. Also there's grammatical errors. I really hope you enjoy it.

"Please help me out here." You followed the newest member to the team.

"No. Like I said I am no good with children." He said with his predominantly sokovian accent. You follow him through the hallway going into the kitchen.

"Please I've already told Clint that we would babysit." You protested.

He turned around walking backwards "Not my problem Stark. I'm no going to help you babysit." He turned and sped off causing some strands of your hair blow in front of your face from the small force he made.

You sat in the bar stool, grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and munched on it. Thinking of how you were going to convince Pietro to help you out on the weekend. Even though he said that he wasn't good with kids he actually was good. You had seen him interact with children when the team went to visit children in the hospital. It just came naturally to him.

You had taken care of clint's two kids before which was fun and somewhat easy to handle. However with a new baby it would be difficult.

But you offered to take care of them and let Clint and Laura take a weekend off and go do something fun. Laura hesitated because she didn't want to leave you with three kids she didn't want to overload you with so much responsibility. You insisted and assured her that you would ask one of team members to help you. She agreed.

"You seem pensive kiddo" Tony walked in, went to the fridge and grabbed some raspberries.

You looked at him "I need to convince Pietro to help me babysit" you lean in grabbing a raspberry and eating it.

"Well that's going to be fun." Your dad replied.

"Unless..." You got the perfect idea to get him involved. You got down "I gotta go. See you later dad." Hugging him quickly and head to your room.

"Nice chat y/n" Tony raised his voice seeing you walk away. "She's definitely my daughter. Nothing like her mother." Tony mumbled heading back to his lab.

In your room you packed up some clothes for the weekend. You then texted Pietro:

 You then texted Pietro:

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