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"Who are you?" The man said in a deep voice

"Uh we- we are - um y/n and this, is my friend f/n" you stutter

The guy lowered his gun but still kept his guard up. Both of you let go of your hands.

He continued to interrogate you. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to see a friend." You replied

"Who's your friend?"


"Why did you come this late?"

F/n answered this time "cause we are drunk. Although I don't think so anymore cause you scared us." She ramble "by the way Mr. Barns why are you out so late?" She ask

The mysterious guy who apparently was Buck Barnes was taken aback by the question. "Excuse me?"

"Yeah if you want to know our business we should know about yours." She took a step towards him.

"That's confidential thing that I can't say? Now why are you girls doing here?

"We came to se me Pietro" you said

"You're both coming with me." He said. He grabbed both of by your arm and walked you inside the building.

"We're gonna die" f/n murmured

"You're not" Bucky said

Bucky brought the both of you in front of the garage of the building. He let go of you. He looked around then looked back at you.

"Pietro sleeps in the 3 floor on the west wing." He whispered. He opened a door next to the garage he went inside then a couple seconds came back. "You'll need this." He handed you a small speaker.

"Uh... thanks?" You took the speaker

"Alright then. I'm going inside. Good luck." He said as he walked towards the door again.

"Wait." You blurted. He turned around "where's the west wing?"

He sighed he motion with his hand to follow him. Both of you follow him. He lead you to the back of the building and pointed to a window. "That's his window right there."

He then left leaving the two of you staring at the dark glass.

"Repunzle repunzle let down your hair." F/n giggle while you only stared at her. "What I'm trying to lighten up the mood." She said

You got you bag off your shoulders unzip it and took out a travel size bottle of vodka. You open it and chug it.

"Alright then let's do this" You whispered.

"What song are you gonna put?" She asked sitting down on the grass

You sat down also and opened up your music app. I don't know you looked at your library.

"Spanish music?"

"He won't understand" you kept searching

"Do you think that he was seeing a girl?" She asked

"Probably." You responded knowing what she meant.

"I just can't believe that he's almost 100 years old"

"Yep" you were still wondering what song to put.

"I would totally smash though." She smirked

"Go ahead he's just a few feet away" you said

"Ha ha very funny. So do you have the song?" She looked at you

"No." You huffed

"Google it" she took your phone from your hand and started typing. You looked down at the screen. "EDM? Pop? Country?" She said while scrolling down your music library.

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