Mid life crisis📗

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A/n: I honestly don't know if this is the final version of this chapter. If it's not I'm gonna jump off a cliff, so if you see another update it's me fixing it. Also it's currently 3:00am and my sleeping schedule is messed up so that's my life.

Edit: There's an edit on this chapter so there's more info. So check it out below, there's going to be a mark indicating the new part.

Enough with my rambling here's the new chapter:

Enough with my rambling here's the new chapter:

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The next few weeks I kept myself occupied as much I could, I worked extra hours on the construction site, I needed to finished my part as soon as possible

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The next few weeks I kept myself occupied as much I could, I worked extra hours on the construction site, I needed to finished my part as soon as possible. I would also go over on the weekends to help Natasha find the location of 'you know who', without letting Pietro know of course.I even started to train with her, I needed to get back in condition in case I would confront 'the guy'. I would also help her with some of her wedding planning, it got to that point. I became some sort of a wedding planner just to kept myself occupied. I would also go with Maddison to the movies and other fun spots.

Maddie made sure that I was fine. She would constantly text me encouraging texts and just be there for me when I had a breakdown, which was almost every night. As the days went by I got nightmares more frequently which didn't happened since I came back to the United States, I guess it was time to go see a psychologist again. Even though she didn't know every detail of what happened that night or about my past she knew that I was not doing good. I felt bad for relying on her so much. I didn't want to become a burden to her especially with her working on her project.

Thats why I kept myself busy, I didn't want to become a burden to anyone. I was fine and if I thought of what I was actually feeling inside then probably I would actually lose my mind. I think that if I kept myself busy I would get over the whole Pietro situation and these feelings that I had towards him would go away. After all that's what it was at the end of the day, some high school feelings. I was just attracted to him physically. Right? I hope they were.

>>> Pietro also kept himself busy. He thank the universe that he would be traveling with the rest of the boys for Steve's bachelor party. He would actually get to do something fun and get his mind off about what happened between him and Y/N.

After coming back he spent most of his time writing something he enjoyed doing. He would never admit it but he loved reading and writing. After arriving at the facility he would spend his nights writing in a notebook he found in the desk in his new assigned bedroom. He would write about his day how he felt. He would also jot down the dreams he would have, memories he wouldn't want to forget. He also tried to write poetry but failed at it so he just stuck with writing. Whenever he had a dream he would jot it down but then later write his dream out, elaborating details that he remembered and the feelings he was going through that dream. He wrote like he wanted to share it with someone like trying to explain a movie scene, but he would never show his writing to no one.

Wanda knew that her brother like to write. Since they were both kids she would remember Pietro would fill a page when they were in school and the teacher would make the students keep a journal about what happened to the them a day before. She also remember him copying his favorite scenes from books he was reading. She just never told anyone or confront him about it because she didn't want the other guys make fun of him. So she would buy notebooks and put them in the stationary area of the conference room, making sure nobody knew that notebooks would go missing.

It was Monday morning you woke up as sunlight peaked through the blinds. You groaned and faced away from the blinds. Your phone alarm then went off making you irritated, you grabbed your phone from the night stand and turned it off. You sat up and stared at the blank wall, you really wished you were in your bedroom and not this hotel room right now. It was the week of finishing the building and also was the weekend of you flying to Brazil.

After working with Nat on finding out where 'Him' was at and catfishing him it was time to actually meet him and have SHIELD get him.

You got out of bed and went to the bathroom and brush your teeth and take a shower. After getting ready you drove to the construction site and started to give out directions and assigning tasks for that day. This went on the next few days until Thursday when you went back home and went to grab the last documents from your boss stating that the building was done and ready to be moved in. After grabbing the signed documents you went back to the Avengers facility and gave them to Tony and also got his signed documents.

It was finally done and you felt a huge relief from actually getting through this project. As you sat in your car you started to cry, you were happy of completing a goal you had set yourself. You realized that everything that happened to you in the past led you to something you were passionate about and was now being part of it.

You heard a knock on your car window. You lifted your head from the steering wheel wiped your tears from your eyes and looked who it was.

"Are you alright?" Pietro muffled through the window.

You tried opening the door but bump him so you kept it close and quickly turn the keys and turn the window down.

"Hey" You sheepishly smiled.

"Are you fine. Wanda saw you with your forehead on the steering wheel as she was going inside." He looked down at me.

"I'm fine. Just some therapy session going on." You chuckle trying to not seem awkward.

"Alright then." He stared then back away from the door. "See you later."

"Bye". As you turn on the engine Pietro started to walk back inside.

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