And now, shes dead

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Nagisas POV:
Suicide stuff coming up. Be careful please.
I walked inside. I was a little nervous. I mean obviously, after that incident who wouldn't be. "I'm home mother." No response. I walked around the house searching for her. When I got to the kitchen I stopped dead in my tracks. There she was. My mother. Dead. I just stood there. I'm absolutely speechless. "M-m-mom?..." "mama!!" I screamed as I ran up to her, shaking her limp body as if trying to wake her up. Tears streaming out of my eyes. Her wrists were slit and there was a pocket knife on the floor by her hand. There was a note but I was to focused on my mother to read it.
"MOM!! MAMA!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?! WAKE UP!! PLEASE!" at this point, I had dropped to my knees, weak. I clutched her body in my hands, rocking back and fourth. Tears streaming from my eyes. She was horrible to me. But that didn't change how much I loved her. I hate this. Why. Why. Fucking why. Why am I crying over this monster. I was taken aback by my thoughts. I just called my mother a monster? While cradling her dead body? I've never thought or said things like that about her before... the tears were still streaming down my face. Steady and warm. I delicately removed her head from my lap and placed it on the floor. I stood up and took my phone out of my pocket, my hands shaking as I dialed 911.

Time skip a day later Karmas POV:
I woke up to my phone ringing. It was 9am. I groaned and snatched at my phone. I smiled when I saw it was Nagisa who was calling. I placed my phone to my ear.
"Karma. Can I live with you?" His voice... it sounded so... dead. Like the last bit of light in his heart was smothered.
" sure.. Nagisa... are you okay?"
"It doesn't matter. Thanks karma. I'll be over at noon? is that okay?"
"Nagisa, that's fine but seriously what's going o-" I was cut off by a loud beep. He hung up. Something terrible must have happened. His voice... what the hell?

Time skip:
It was noon. There was a knock on the door. I walked over to greet Nagisa. When I opened the door I was met with a devastating aura. Nagisa looked up at me, his eyes looked so broken. He looked ruined beyond repair. "...Nagisa?"
"May I come in?" His voice was... somehow emotionless but cracked with utter despair at the same time.
"Sure?..." I watched as Nagisa dragged his bag through the door. I showed Nagisa to his room. He merely nodded at me in thanks, walked into the room, and started to unpack his things. I was in awe. I decided to leave him alone for a little bit and I'll try to talk to him again during dinner. I passed the time until dinner by watching tv but I couldn't really focus.
1) Nagisa was living with me
2) Nagisa looks fucking shattered
I'm really really worried. I know he struggles with self harm and suffers from hallucinations and depression. When he was at the hospital, that helped him get back on track with the eating thing and helped him a lot with the depression, and his hallucinations went down a lot too... but I remember, just before Nagisa was discharged the doctor said to be careful because if he was re-exposed to trauma his symptoms could return for a while and Nagisa did seem pretty traumatized right now...
it was finally dinner and I had ordered for delivery. I called Nagisa over to the table and we began to eat. At least he's still eating well. I started to speak.
"Nagisa... wha-"
"My mother killed herself... written in her suicide note was the reason she wanted to die. Apparently that reason is me."


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