Confronting him.

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Karmas POV:
It was morning now and I was preparing breakfast. Nagisa... what happened to you. You must have been going through hell your entire life. I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard footsteps approaching. I turned to see Nagisa wearing the incredibly oversized purple hoodie I lent him as he was stripped of his shirt and the VERY oversized black sweats I gave him as his other pants were soaked from being outside in the rainstorm. The sweatpants were rolled up probably around six times. His footsteps were so quiet against the creaky floor that typically loudly groaned when anybody else stepped on it. He was so delicate and graceful. I snapped out of my train of thought when I saw his bottom lip trembling and his eyes glazed with tears.
"Nagisa! What's the matter?" I immediately rushed to him pressing my hand on his back and stroking his hair. I felt his body relax a little as I combed through his soft wavy hair.
"K-karm-a I l-lost it... g-gr-grandmas blue shirt" Nagisas sobs hurt me to hear. His grandmas blue shirt? Huh?
"They ripped off my shirt wh-wh-when they were touching m-me. It was the shirt grandma g-gave me the day before she d-died."
"Ah! Hold on I remember seeing it in the pocket of your jeans! Hold on!" I ran down to the dryer and pulled out Nagisas now warm clothes. Last night when I was about to put Nagisas clothes in the dryer I saw a scrap of blue poking out of the pocket of his jeans. I pulled the blue out and noticed it was a single shredded piece of cloth. I decided to put that in the dryer with the rest of his clothes. I grabbed the cloth scrap and bolted back to the kitchen. I handed him the piece of cloth. "I guess the rest of the shirt got lost but I suppose you put this piece in your pocket and forgot about it." I smiled as kindly as I could at him.
Nagisa held his hand out as Karma dropped the cloth onto his palm. I watched him as his sniffling slowly stopped and his eyes lit up a little bit. He swung his arms around my shoulders "Oh thank you Karma!!! Thank you!"
My face turned an unnatural shade of red as I hugged him back. When Nagisa pulled out of the hug I checked on breakfast.
"Looks like breakfasts ready. Let's eat!" When I said that I noticed the smile slipped a little off Nagisas lips.
I brought the plates to the wood table, along with some tea. I promptly sat down, took a big gulp of tea and shoved my face with food. Goddamnit foods the fucking best. I glanced up at Nagisa who was staring at the food. I started at him for about a minute. I listened as the wind howled outside causing the house to creek as the rain smacked against the windows. "Yo, Nagi? What's wrong?"
To be honest, I was expecting something like this. I saw how thin he was yesterday.

I examined Nagisa when I got back to my home. He was soaked to the bone. His baggy, ripped black jeans were drenched, his hair was sopping wet. His body was so frail. It looked like he's been starved his entire life. He had cuts and gashes all over his body, as well as bruises of almost every color and size. I noticed something weird about the wounds on his body, some were "messy". Spread all around his body not in any typical pattern, while others looked like neatly drawn lines in long rows. Self harm. I felt my heart drop to my stomach. Had the bullies at school really been this brutal? I mean I know they like to pick on him but I've never seen them brutally beat him before... Enough of this. I've gotta get him dried up, or he'll get sick. I grabbed a towel and did my best to undress the rest of him without invading his privacy. I rubbed the towel all over him drying his body and then his hair. I picked out my most comfortable sweatshirt and sweatpants that were clean and clothed him (again, respecting his privacy to my best ability). I brought him to our most comfortable guest bedroom and laid his unconscious body down on a bed with a thick, soft feather mattress. I watched as his body slowly sunk into the bed. He looked so comfortable and warm. His rosy checks... his tinted eyelids... his lusciously long eyelashes... god, Nagisa, you are beautifu. I spread a thick warm blanket  on his delicate body and placed a glass of water on the bedside table. I sat on a chair by his bed for about an hour brushing out his hair with my fingers, delicately as to not wake him up.

flashback over Nagisas POV:
"Yo, Nagi? what's wrong?" I looked up at Karma. He was eyeing me with suspicious concern. I twiddled my thumbs. What should I say? How do I explain my mother starved me and tells me I don't deserve food and that overtime I started believing her? How do I explain I try to avoid eating as much as possible? How do I explain that every time I eat more than my mothers opinion of "my filling" she gut punches me over and over again until I throw up.

I flew out of my house as my mother screamed for me to come back. I ran all the way to the forest by the school. I threw up. Mother saw me eat a slice of bread for breakfast. She was enraged saying I could only have half of a slice. She had repeatedly beat my stomach to the point where I couldn't take it anymore. I bolted out of the house before she could hurt me more. I felt the nausea come up as the little bit of breakfast I had eaten left my body. I looked around making sure no one saw. I thought I caught a glimpse of crimson red hair behind a tree, but I brushed it off as I trudged up to the school.

Flashback over Karmas POV:
Nagisa was twiddling his thumbs. He looked lost in thought.
"OI! Nagi? You there?"
His head jolted upwards. "Oh ahh...."
I cut him off. "Look, I know about you and food.. well I know you don't eat much anyway. Your shirt was ripped off remember? Nagi.. I... I could see your ribs..." I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. God Nagisa. What the hell happened to you.
"Look, I don't want to force you to tell me about how your body is dangerously thin, or about why your covered in scars and bruises and burns, some of which I presume are from self harm, or about who you're talking to when you think nobody's around... but Nagisa. I wish you would talk to me. I know we just met yesterday so I understand if it takes time, but you should know, since the first day of sophomore year, the first day I laid eyes on you, I was mesmerized. Something about you pulls me in. For some reason, I feel a strong urge to protect you. So I will try my best. But to do that, I need you to talk to me at some point."
I watched as one thousand plus emotions dashed across his face. Surprise. Fear. Terror. Shame. Misery. Conflict. All of these and much more, shun bright in his eyes, flashing across his face one at a time. At the end of my little speech all of the emotions that danced across his face were all smothered into one big blob. There was no color in his face. He looked petrified.

Stay alive, my loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon