The fakest of smiles

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Karmas POV:
Nagisa wasn't speaking. He wasn't moving. What do I do? Did I push him to much? Oh no..
"Thank you, Karma. I will try. Well.. I have to get going now. I'll see you on Monday, yes?"
I could only nod.
"Bye karma! Thank you for everything!" Nagisa waved and smiled a beautiful closed eyes smile. It was the fakest one I've seen yet.

Nagisas POV:
I left Karmas house with my best attempt of a smile for the state I was in right now.
Then, I fled.
So many things are happening right now. He knows. He knows? He knows... he knows I don't eat. He knows I cut. He knows I get beat. He knows I see things others don't and he's heard me speak to them.
Wait. There are things he doesn't know. I will take those secrets to my grave. He mustn't find out. Nobody's ever found out. Not to mention no ones ever cared enough to try to find out. Karmas just curious. He doesn't actually care. Soon, he'll leave. Then, I won't have to lie to him. I have a feeling I may have to tell a few lies until his curiosity goes down though...
I checked my watch. It was just past 10 in the morning. It was surprisingly dark for the morning. The wind howling loudly past me helped me relax. Listening to the splash my shoes made as they hit the puddled ground filled me with calmness. There's something about storms that I can help but admire. I wonder if mama will let me back into the house yet...
I got to my front door and hesitantly knocked. My breathing hitched when the door opened to reveal my mothers monstrous face. Her nose was bleeding and her eyes were bloodshot. I looked past her and saw thin white lines on the coffee table in our disheveled and rickety Dining room. Ahh. So that would explain her current state.
With shaking hands my mother wiped the blood off of her nose. "Whoooo are yooouu???" My mother said in a loopy and drowsy sounding voice.
"It's me mother. Your son. Nagisa."
"Ahh. I see."
she grabbed me by the bagginess of my sweatshirt and threw me inside. Smashing me against the wall. Before I could even comprehend what was happening the familiar metallic flavor of blood was tasted on my lips. She grabbed the gag she always tied around my mouth whenever she tortured me. She grabbed a hammer off the table and started bashing my arms with it. Smash after smash after smash. I was shrieking in pain. No matter how many times I was beat, I could never get used to the pain.
I woke up the next morning. It was Sunday. The memories of last night came into mind. I groaned and tried to stand, only to collapse on the floor. I won't be able to move today. I laid on the dining room floor, helpless, in pain. Before I new it, it was nighttime and I was fast asleep.

Karmas POV:
What the hell was that with Nagisa. I think I may have said a little to much for him to take in all at once... but why did he act like he totally just brushed it off? That was the fakest smile he's given me yet. I sighed as I got ready for bed.

Time skip:
I was getting ready for school and thinking of Nagisa the entire time. How can I help him?

No ones POV:
Nagisa was luckily able to stand after an entire day and night of rest. The boys were both getting ready for school. However one of them wouldn't even make it out of the house. Indeed, the day was looking grim for Nagisa and quite stomach churning for Karma.

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