What do I do now?

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Nagisa's POV:
I was dragging the blade across my stomach making long, centimeter deep cuts. There were probably around 100 old wounds and scars scattered across my stomach alone. Some given to me by myself and some from my mother. I whimpered in pain, my hand shaking from the mental and physical aching I felt. After I'd finished, I wrapped my stomach in an already blood stained, beige, cloth bandage. I stared in the mirror looking at the bloody cloth wrapped around my scrawny waist. I noticed my ribs were slowly getting more and more visible. I turned away from the mirror. Suddenly, I felt a cold, large hand on my shoulder. I jumped around to see my father. He sneered and sauntered towards me. His aura leaked and bled nefariousness. I tripped over my feet running across my room backwards to keep an eye on him. "AGH!" I slammed into the wall hard. He grabbed my shoulder and spoke in a harsh, scratchy voice "Boy, have you been cutting?"
"Y-y-yes" I stammered.
"Good" the large man said with a smirk. I dropped my head. My heart ached. I saw my fathers feet from where I was staring shamefully at the floor. The feet slowly faded away. I shuttered and yelped as I looked up to see my fathers face melting away, a joyful smile smeared on his dripping face- wait a smile? The mans face was turning to some jelly like substance. Oozing to the floor. At the same time, fading away. When the last of the ooze disappeared into nothing I collapsed to the floor my breathing ragged.

"It hurts..." I muttered to the dark room in front of me. I gasped for air on the ground for a good five minutes before my breathing regulated. Once I calmed myself, I stared at the wall. How lovely, I thought to himself. Papa came back. He smiled at me. I don't see him smile much. Even though it was a scary smile, it was still a smile. Maybe he was happy to see me. I felt my heart lighten just a bit, tears drizzling out the corners of my eyes. *SLAM* I jumped as I hear a door snap shut. My body froze, all the color draining from my face. She's here... I thought to myself.

Karma's POV:
* beep beep beep* I slammed my hand onto my alarm clock. "nrghhhhhh" I grunted as I hoisted myself out of bed and stumbled to my closet. I was about to leave my room to take a shower when the red digits on my clock caught my eye. "SHIT!" I yelled. It's already 8:30!? Why was my alarm clock going off so late!? All of a sudden the memories from 7:30 flooded my mind...

Flashback Karmas POV:
*Bring bring bring*
*Bring bring- SMACK!* I slammed my hand on top of the snooze button.
*eight minutes later* *bring bring bri- SMACK!*

Present time Karmas POV:
"Oh..... ahah" whatever I thought to myself. No time for a shower. I threw my clothes on brushed my teeth for literally only fifteen seconds... I mean I'm in a rush... grabbed an apple and flew out the door. This is the one time I care if I'm late or not...

Flashback to yesterday Karmas POV:
I'm walking around a rather.. how to put this... not pleasant part of town looking for a street fight I could join. I nonchalantly wandered around the rusted buildings. People were muttering to themselves in alleyways and smashing glass against building walls. I heard yelling from the inside of one of the buildings. Maybe a fight I could join... I thought to myself. "GOD DAMNIT, NAGISA" A woman's voice screamed. The high pitched noise echoed across the alley. I strolled around the corner to see a blue haired boy hitting the side of the railing of the stairs to a shaggy brick house. He whimpered and ran as fast as he could.
The blue haired boy? Nagisa? Is that his name? Is this where he lives? I was completely spaced out in my thoughts. I snapped back to reality after about a minute. I look around for the boy with the beautiful eyes, supposedly named Nagisa, but he was gone. He must have run away. Hmm what was that about...

Present time Karmas POV:
Let's see.. school starts in 55 minutes.. if that was where Nagisa lives than he shouldn't leave for a while because  his place is around 10 minutes from the school. I reached the destination about fifteen minutes after I left my house. Alright 20 minutes of time to kill. I thought to arrive a little early cause ya never know. There were people screaming at each other a few alleys away. Their shouts echoed across the buildings, bouncing off each other. There was a man laughing hysterically at his reflection in a window in front of him. I jumped when I felt a weak grasp at my ankle. A little girl with smudges on her face and a ragged dress looked at me with eager eyes holding a rusty tin pot up to me. It had a few pennies and some dimes in it, but that was it. I smiled warmly at her and patted her on the head. I pulled out a five dollar bill from my back pocket. Her eyes widened as I slipped the crumpled money into the rusted pot. "Wow!! Thank you, mister!" She smiled brightly at me and ran away. I smiled to myself.

"COME BACK HERE, NAGISA!!" I snapped my head up and ran to the house where the shout came from. I watched the boy with hair as beautiful as freshly woven silk sprint out the door. He was panting and gasping for air holding his stomach in a tight grasp. This is my chance, I thought to myself. I circuited around the building following his tracks closely. Once we reached the forest near the school, Nagisa's grip on his stomach tightened. I stayed hidden behind a tree. I thought if I followed him around a little bit I'd figure out his secrets easier (creepy I know)... turns out I'm even more confused...
My head whipped back from the ground to Nagisa as I heard a loud whimper. Nagisa keeled over and promptly vomited onto the forest ground. Not much came out though. Seems like he hasn't eaten much.

What do I do now?...

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