And finally, they meet

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Karmas POV:
A blue haired, sobbing boy kneeled helplessly on the floor his arms limp, his back hunched. He had a metal collar around his neck, a long chain attached to it and the other end was cemented into the wall. A naked man stood above him. He looked filled to the brim with ravenous hatred. He had his large, sweaty hand grasped firmly onto Nagisas hair. It looked painful. Nagisa was whimpering.
"HEY" I practically screamed. The large, muscular mans head snapped towards my direction. Nagisa however kept his gaze firmly on the ceiling, even though the mans hand had let go of Nagisas hair in shock. Nagisa seemed to be petrified. Like he couldn't even move.
"Get yourself away from him. Right now" my gaze was directed firmly at the black haired man. the man chortled in a drunken sort of way. Now that he was looking at me, his face was flushed, as if he'd been drinking.
"Or you'll do what. I'm twice your size, kid. And, I'm five times the size of this kid." The man let out a loud drunken crow of laughter. "Just look at him" The drunk grabbed Nagisa around the waist. Nagisa was still in his petrified state. His body slumped over the mans forearm. The many smirked. "He's so scrawny he cant even hold himself up". The man pushed the blue haired boy back to the ground and faced him towards me. My eyes widened as I got a good glance at his shirtless body. His stomach... it was so... so skinny... I could see every single rib poking through his skin... and his arms... and what are those cuts and scars all over him? He had cuts and bruises all over his chest, torso, arms, basically everywhere. I slowly looked up at his face. That's when I saw it. The look in his eyes. Sheer horror. My heart actually stopped for a second. I swear it. His eyes were wide, like he'd just seen a ghost. Tears streaming uncontrollably down his soft skin. His body was somehow not moving at all. He wasn't even shaking. His crying was utterly silent. I snapped my head back up to that sorry excuse for a man.
"You raped him didn't you" my voice ice cold.
"Well I didn't. But my other buddy did. Marco. He's quite the sadist you see, says it turns him on when his catches struggle." He let out a chortle. "Our little blue haired boy here"-he shook Nagisa violently by a tuft of his hair "was quite satisfying for him, see, he's such a scrawny boy, but he's a fighter. Well, he was at first." The man laughed at his joke as he let go of Nagisas hair, causing his limp body to collapse onto the floor. While the man was busy laughing at his disgusting, heinous jokes, I took it as a chance to escape, because at that moment I saw a pair of dangling keys attached to the door I entered from. I swiped them off the wall, bolted towards Nagisa, unlocked the collar around his neck, and then scooped up the boys dangling body and bolted out of the room.
"OI!" The old man yelled. But I was already up the stairs and almost out of the house. As I was running thoughts and visions ran through my head. "He likes it when his catches struggle" those words echoed around my head. Nagisa was just raped by a guy named Marco who enjoyed watching Nagisa crying and struggling. My hands clenched into fists as my brain kept forcing visions of Nagisa being hurt by that disgusting man into my head.

Time skip:
Nagisas POV:
I woke up and felt my body surrounded by comfort. It was sunk into a warm, soft bed. I don't have a bed. I have a blanket and a pillow. Who's bed is this? I slowly opened my eyes. That's when the pain hit. I let out a cry of pain. The door to the room opened revealing a boy with blood red hair and eyes the color of golden treasure.
"Nagisa! You're awake! Are you alrigh- oh I'm sorry you must be confused.." he switched mid sentence after seeing the look of shock smothered all over my face. "I'm Karma. Akabane Karma. I've seen you around school. Ya know, you've caught my interest." He smirked at me. My heart skipped a beat and my face felt warm. Shit. What the fuck does that mean? "Anyways I was around your neck of the woods and I saw some old guys push you into a van so I chased after them and that's when I found you. You looked to be in some sort of a trance and when I was carrying you home, you passed out. Maybe from stress? I'm not quite sure." The color drained out of my face. What was this? As he was speaking, all of the memories of what happened flooded my mind. It was like my brain was building a barrier but Karmas words tore it down. Like when your body tries to seal a wound by forming a scab and you pick the scab off and all the blood comes pouring back out. This isn't the first time this has happened- where my brain tries to block out horrifying memories. I'm sure there are other horrors in my past my mind hasn't allowed me access to yet. The memories break through, though. Eventually every memory will come back to me. Overflowing me with pain. I'm already brimming over with agony. I won't be able to handle any more hurt. I felt myself panic at the fresh scab Karma picked off. The memories smashed through my mental barrier causing me to shake uncontrollably. I felt my chest tighten as I gasped and wheezed for air.
I felt a warm hand gently hold my shoulder. "Hey hey hey shh it's okay" I heard a voice say. I melted into the words. It's been so long since someone's spoken to me like this. I felt my breathing steady and my body slowly but surely relax. I sat in silence for a few minutes as Karma stroked my hair. It felt nice.
"H-how do you know my name?" I managed to squeak out.
"Mm. Well I saw you back at your house the other day. I just happened to walk past your place right when someone screamed out 'Nagisa' and you were pushed out of the house. I just kinda assumed that was your name. I take it I was right?" I managed to nod my head slightly. He looked pleased with himself as his lips formed a smirk. I felt butterfly's in my stomach looking at those pink lips...
"T-thank you, Karma. Thank y-you so mu-much. I wanted to end back there... so thank you."

Karmas POV:
I smiled warmly at him. "I'll let you get come rest. Do you want something to eat? I left you a glass of water right at the bedside table." I pointed towards the small wooden table by the bed he's laying on. Nagisa smiled warmly at me as he thanked me and declined the offer for food. His smile... that beautiful smile... if only so much pain wasn't hiding behind it...
I walked out of the room. I recalled what he said earlier 'I wanted to end back there'... I frowned. Does that mean what I think it did? Does he still feel that way?

Stay alive, my loveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora