Shes a monster

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Nagisas POV:
There was a buzz coming from my mothers phone who quickly scooped it up and unlocked it. All of a sudden there was a loud banging sound like someone was trying to get into the basement. I knew it would be useless. I'm sure she bolted the entrance shut tight, knowing her. Maybe they will call for help! I felt a little hopeful but then, my mother smiled at me.
"You know, if you're thinking that whatever brat up there is going to go for help than your stupider than I thought. I wouldn't let that happen." Mother than proceeded to explain to me all about her little note and security camera. I could only gape at her.
Then, the pain came back.

Karmas POV:
It was awful... another hour or so of this horrendous screaming... I didn't know what to do. I was sitting by the trap door, trying desperately to get in. Nothing helped. I'm hopeless. This is hopeless. What's this monstrous "mother" doing to him. This must have been going on all day. Nagisa hadn't shown up to school at all today. He must have been screaming for hours while I was lazily kicking my feet up on my desk waiting for the day to end. My stomach is churning and I feel a strong urge to puke. My heart is pounding so loud it seemed to be echoing through the room, bouncing off the walls. Screams and wails were slipping up through the cracks and I tried hard not to listen as tears continuously streamed warm and salty down my cheeks and onto the floor. Keep calm keep calm keep calm. I couldn't though. I broke down sobbing, pulling at my hair. Images of Nagisa, tied up and tortured kept flashing through my mind. I was pounding at the door screaming all sorts of profanities. "LET ME IN EVIL WOMAN" I screamed. Nothing.
Then, silence. My eyes widened. There were muffled footsteps as the trapdoor opened to reveal an insanely deranged looking woman with navy blue hair and bloodshot eyes, a vile, malicious grin covered her face. Her eyes wide and insane.
"Would you like to come down and see my pathetic brat of a child while I explain to you how and why  you will never utter what happened just now to a single soul?" My eyes leaked fierce abhorrence. I pushed past the monster and ran down the stairs as fast as I could to get to Nagisa. There he was. Passed out on the floor. Covered in blood. There were chains dangling off the wall that looked like he had been shackled to. I grimaced at the thought. His hair had blood crusted onto it. His wrist was twisted into a sickening position. I ran towards him checking the cuts on his body. He looked awful. I was trying to shake him awake "Nagisa!!! Nagisa!! Please wake up!"
No response.
"Here's the deal." I heard a cold, twisted voice say from behind me. "You tell nobody about this and I won't kill the boy. Got it? And if you think you can get away with somehow contacting for help before I get the chance to kill Nagisa, You are dead wrong. I'm quite creative, you see."
Somehow I didn't doubt her. That security footage idea scared me enough to shy away from informing anybody about this woman. I know that she had to be bluffing. If I just escape from here with nagisa I could get help and hide from her. Right? No... like she said. She'll find a way to get to us. I'm so scared. I don't know what to do.
"Here's whats about to happen. We are going to take nagisa outside. I'm going to call 911 saying to bring an ambulance and that we found him outside. They'll think he's been jumped or something."
I grasped tightly to Nagisas body. My face was sopping wet from all my tears. There was a strange buzzing in my ears. I looked down at Nagisa. "He needs to go to a hospital. If this is what I need to do to get him to one, fine."
Okay guys there is really triggering suicidal thoughts coming up so please I beg of you only read this if you think you can be safe from suicide please!:
Nagisas POV:
First, everything was cold. But all of a sudden, I felt warmth. I looked around. Everything was black. But not a scary black that made you feel like you were lost in a void of nothing. A comforting black that made me want to melt into it. I fluttered my eyes closed, relaxing into the warmth when all of a sudden, I felt like I was being dragged like a fish on a rod. Yanked across the darkness. The rod pulled me along. I wanted to fight back but I was to weak. My body felt like jelly. I screamed and yelled for it to let go, but it kept yanking me back. I saw I was being dragged to this glowing, dark green light. Soon I was pulled right into the center of the shining green. The warmth was gone. I felt cold and heard muffled soft voices. Soon, it turned into sharp, booming voices. I thought the noise was making my ears bleed. Than, I heard a loud gasp of air. Wait was that me? "He's breathing!" I heard a woman yell. All of a sudden my eyes shot open. Doctors were surrounding me. Lots of doctors. My head was darting around the room. I was alive. My heart dropped. I want to go back to the warmth. Let me go back. Please. Why was I dragged back to life. Why?
I heard a voice cry out. "Nagisa!" It sounds familiar. I felt my heart heat up, and for a second, I wasn't thinking about how badly I wanted to go back to the warmth of death.

Karmas POV:
Nagisa woke up a little bit ago. He stopped breathing for a a few seconds which scared the shit out of me. He woke up and that's when I screamed out his name only to be shoved out of the room by like 10 nurses.
About 7 hours later I was granted permission to go see him. I opened the door with shaking hands to reveal Nagisa sitting upright in his bed, staring at the wall. He seemed like he was thinking about absolutely nothing. Like his mind was empty. This worried me.
"Nagisa!" I said in a slightly raised voice. His head turned to the side slowly. He smiled at me. The weirdest thing was that it seemed like there was something genuine about that smile. I could see it in his eyes. He had a cut on his lip and his arms were wrapped in ace bandages. his wrist was casted in bright purple. I smiled at that. Before I could say another words he said "You know what happened don't you."
I nodded.
"Mother explained to me what the note she wrote said. She doesn't have to blackmail me to keep the secret though. She knows I don't care about my life. She only said that to get you to keep it quiet. I refuse to say anything because I could never betray the woman who raised me."
I could only stare at him as he spoke. His voice was... calm? Like he understood this life was his fate. Like he was just... done. Hopeless. So no point in fighting.
My heart was shattered as I heard him speak. Tears started to stream from me eyes. He noticed this and patted the side of his hospital bed with a warm smile. But he was broken. I saw it in his eyes. I weakly walked over to the bed and sat down, sobbing into his shoulder. He stroked my hair until I fell asleep.

The next day:
I went to go visit Nagisa. We played cards for a while. I was trying to distract Nagisa from the helplessness he was feeling and he was trying to distract me from my guilt and fear. We both succeeded. We had a good time laughing.
"HAH!" Nagisa yelled as he slammed his last card onto the deck. "Wow you really suck at uno. I can't believe it's already 15 to 0." He declared with a cocky smile. I playfully knocked him up the of the head and he scowled at me in a goofy way. I smirked.

Time skip:
Nagisas now been in the hospital for a few days. That's when the panic of what happened really hit. I suppose he was in shock after it happened and that's how he was so calm. But now that everything has sunk in he's acting very skittish and panicky. We were talking about our favorite anime's when all of a sudden he stopped talking. I saw his eyes grow wider. I've seen this happen a couple of times. I sat closer to him and carefully, as to not scare him, wrapped my arm lightly around his waist. I stroked his hair telling him it was all okay. That's when it all got worse. His breathing was picking up and his heart monitor was beeping frantically. I felt his body shaking. He was clutching at his hair, tears falling down his face. "She's here!" He yelled. Pointing to the wall. I didn't see anything.
"Who's here, Nagisa?"
I stared at him. I was stunned. What?
"Nagisa, nobody is there."
That's when the nurses came barging into the room. They must have been alerted about the heart monitor.
I stepped aside giving them space to help him.
"It's a panic attack." One of the nurses stated. Nagisa was frantically pulling at his hair, his breathing faster than ever. One of the nurses gave him a shot. He went calm quickly after.
After the nurses left I sat down next to him stroking his hair. When the doctor came back for the checkup I pulled her aside, explaining to her that I have noticed Nagisa talking to people that aren't there and that just before his panic attack he pointed towards the wall saying "she's here".
I didn't mention the part about him saying it was his mother, for obvious reasons. The doctor called in a psychiatrist who had a meeting with Nagisa. When he came out he had diagnosed Nagisa with PTSD.
(Okay guys, I'm not just spouting out nonsense here, I also have ptsd and these are some of my symptoms)
He explain about how PTSD causes hallucinations and panic attacks. My heart dropped.
So this is who Nagisas been talking to. I remembered that time back at the school when everyone was gossiping and laughing about how Nagisa was a freak for talking to invisible people. My fists clenched and I glowered at the wall. This entire time... Nagisas been suffering from PTSD.

Time skip:
Nagisa has been in the hospital for four weeks now. He is recovering really well. He's said to be discharged today actually. The hospital has gotten his weight back on track pretty well. The psychiatrist told me that it wasn't that he was scared of gaining weight, it was just that he felt he didn't deserve to eat. This was because of his depression. Once they got him on meds that worked well for him, he started eating more. Now he has gained lots of his weight back. He's almost to a healthy weight again. I'm ecstatic about this. His body now looks slim, but nearly healthy.
It was now time for Nagisa to head back home. I was worried sick for him but he says his mother isn't usually like that. He says stuff like this happens rarely and usually it's not that bad. I stiffly nodded as I watched Nagisa enter his home. "Tomorrow is a school day so I guess I'll see you then, huh?" I shouted up to him. He nodded. I smirked and sent him a wink, he went bright red and I giggled to myself.

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