"Eunji I swear to god-"

"Guys!" Ah, that's the sweet voice of a naive little angel.

"Minji wait for me!" Jaehyun calls from behind his girlfriend as he stopped to tie his shoe, but she ignores him as she runs to the table.

"What's up?" I say after chuckling at Jaehyun.

"Have you guys seen the roster yet?" she questions Jikyung and I.

"No, why? Did Jisung make it? He hasn't been answering my texts,"

"He made it!"

Immediately, I have the biggest grin on my face and I jump up from my seat in joy.

"OH MY GOD YES!" I grab Minji by the forearm and start to jump up and down with her in celebration.


I immediately stop and turn to the annoying voice that has been trying to get my attention.

"Chittaphon Leechiyapornkul. Did you just call me a pig?" I turn to Ten with the face of a smiling psychopath.

"Did you just lump in my girlfriend with this rat?" Jaehyun questions after joining us, and of course pointing at me as he says the word "rat."

"Hey Eunji, that makes four." Yuta laughs and points, only words being heard after that were "rat," "funny," and "four," as he howls in laughter at my being called a rat once again.

"Guys! Hello?! I was talking!" Ten stands and slams his hands on the table in a dramatic fashion. "Ugh, now that I have your attention, guess which second year made it onto the sunbae team this year?" Ten wiggles his eyebrows at us.





"Mmm, Donghyuk!"

"Donghyuk is a first year stupid,"

"Well damn we don't know, just tell us."

"Ugh you guys are lame. It's-"

The school bell cuts Ten off before he finishes. "Are you serious? God if you have something against me just tell me what it is already!"

"Haha, tell us later Ten." We each split off into the directions of our classes. The only thing is, Yuta and I have the same class next period, and we're the only ones in it too. Damn it, it's awkward ever since Hansuke and Jisung made up.

"Uhm, do you wanna walk together?" Yuta proposes, yet I can see he somewhat cringes to himself after that.

"Eh, I guess." I concur. We begin to walk next to each other but maintain a distance of three feet the entire way to class. I take a few glances at him, noticing how he smiles at classmates he passes along the way. He has what we call a healing smile, one that lights up a room. Come to think of it, he hasn't smiled at me like that since middle school...

"Why are you frowning? You're gonna get wrinkles."

"I wasn't frowning! I was, uh, I was, just..." I can't think of anything so I just cut off my sentence! Am I stupid or something?


"Yeah, just..."

"Ok? By the way, tell Jisung I said congratulations for making it on the team."

"I will. I'm so proud of him." I smile in thought.

"He's a really good player. I see him doing great things."

Fight me // nct yuta Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora