"No." she answered, she took a tissue from a box and start wiping the table clean.

"Isn't it odd that our company never conducted an MT before?" he asked

"Not really." her expression was remain unchanged.

"Well I think it's odd, MT is a very good way to get to know each other and building team spirit. Maybe that's why our company is so weak in teamwork. The creative team should have an MT someday!" he chirped.

"If you say so..." she replied barely.

"So do you like lamb or pork?" He was one persistent guy.

Hyo Rin shrugged, "Vegetables."

He pursed his lips again, "Ah! Yeah! My mistake... Do you put it on a stick or just grilled it? How do you usually prepare it?" Hyo Rin mentally rolled her eyes, starting to get annoyed by the small talk.

"In silence!" She finally said with a stern look towards him.

He was stunned for a moment and finally relented, diverted his attention to a bowl of rice in front of him, grabbed the chopstick and used it to pick up the rice, grain by grain; He put it in his mouth afterwards. He hoped the meat would be ready before he finished the whole bowl.

Shin Hye put the last piece of meat to the griller and looked around; Soo Jung was getting ready to put the vegetables kebabs to the griller, the boys were shamelessly chatting by themselves while Yong Hwa and Hyo Rin sitting side-by-side but looked like a complete stranger. She repressed her smile watching Yong Hwa's shoulder sank so low. Shin Hye noticed that one person was missing, she looked around and saw her Oppa outside of the building. She sighed dejectedly.

"Soo Jung-a! You got this, right? I'm going to get Shi Hoo Oppa." she said to the younger girl.

"Relax, Eonni! I got this!" she said with the sweetest smile ever. "Oppa!!! Come here and help!" she shouted almost immediately, Shin Hye felt so bad towards Yong Hwa.

"Now what!? You kicked me out just now, and called me back every time you need me?!" Yong Hwa sulked.

"Sikkeleoun! Help me to bring this to the table, let's eat!" Soo Jung cried.

Yong Hwa's face lit up at 'lets eat' and jumped to take plates of grilled meat and put them on the center of the table, the boys welcomed him with a loud cheer. Min Hyuk stood up and walked to Soo Jung to help.

Shin Hye made her way to the swing, the night had gotten even chillier making her hugged herself to stay warm. The smoke around Shi Hoo made him looked like a magician, a very gloomy magician. She braced herself and sat beside him, earned a fiery glare but she tried to look nonchalant. They sat in silence for awhile.

"Thank you for coming, Oppa!" Shin Hye said weakly.

"I can't get into my house and can't call anybody if I didn't come." he barked.

Shin Hye smiled, "Yes, you can... it's just a reason. You want to be here, you disagree with me but you won't let me fail. Not now when the milk had been spilled." Shin Hye said.

Shi Hoo huffed a smoke, "I hope you have a good plan, Shin Hye-ya! Keep your head straight and not think about anything else but the event and the company."

"Yes, Sir!!" she gave him an army salutation, "I'll become a monk, like you!! Sir!!" she smiled teasingly.

"That's it! I'm coming home!" he stood up to seal his threat.

Shin Hye jumped in surprise and instantly clung on his arms, "Biyane! Biyane, Oppa! I won't call you monk again! Let's eat okay! You're always grumpy when you're hungry!"

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