Chapter 21

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Chapter 21
Olaf had his arm around Bob's shoulder, the baby in the frozen container right next to them on the sofa. They were watching tv.

"Wow. I can't believe I have found someone who will help me raise a kid with. Besides you, Gru and a boyfriend back in highschool I haven't really gotten into relationships."

"Haha I had so many boyfriends back in highschool," Olaf said with a laugh.

"Oh Bob," Bob replied. "How many have you had recently?"

"Well let's see there was Swiper, then I got with Micky Mouse, after that Goofy and I hooked up. Oh! Then there was also Hans, how could I forget him? Plus some other guys I kinda forgot one or two of their names though."

"Oh wow. How long of a time span what that be exactly?" Bob asked, slightly concerned.

"Um, about a month," he said, then kissed Bob on the cheek.

Bob flinched.

"A month!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah and?" Olaf said.

"That's kind of a lot. How am I any different then the rest of them?"

Olaf laughed a bit and then said nothing. There was silence.

"Well, you're really adorable!" He exclaimed.

Bob shook his head.

"Olaf I'm sorry, but these light hearted relationships just aren't my thing. Plus I am not over Gru still."

Olaf put his hand on Bob's shoulder.

"Relax." He said. "You have nothing to worry about."

Elsa walked into the room angrily.

"Olaf! You had your date with Hans like an hour ago! He was waiting for you but instead ran into me while I was taking a walk through the frozen pound."

"What!" Bob said. "Oh my god. I am so stupid. I thought you actually liked me."

"Olaf, you have angered the bottoms. Leave!"

With that Olaf got up and left to go on his jet plane away from Bob.

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