She slid around the counter after Diego.

"Harold Jenkins?"

"Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?" Number Two snapped.

Pushing past Luther to see the piece of paper Allison was holding, Charlotte's eyes widened. That was typed out on a document belonging to the Commission. Protect Harold Jenkins.

Slowly, her focus drifted. Her eyes scanned the ordinate area rug of the living room absently. The Commission knew about the apocalypse, was making sure that it was happening. That was what they always did with the timeline, even if it meant sudden doom, they made sure what was going to happen, happened. Somehow, someway, Harold Jenkins caused it, or was going to cause it.

A new spark of anger flared in Charlotte's chest at the reminder of the Commission. Denis knew. He had known the whole time and she had believed that everything was fine, even felt safe with him when he threw her into sudden doom.

"You know what else is insane?" Five was saying. He had his hand pressed to his side underneath his blazer and a disgusted look on his face. He pointed at himself. "I look like a thirteen year old boy," he growled. His finger shifted to the people around the room. "Klaus talks to the dead, Luther thinks he's fooling everyone with that trench coat-" his accusatory finger moved to Charlotte. "And you can't even see her half the time. Everything about this is insane."

It couldn't have been phrased better. Charlotte took a swig from the flask and cringed. Even with all the terrible things that would surely follow, it was a comfort to have Five in the same room. At least this way, they actually had a direction.

She was staring at the floor in thought again. Yeah, this was completely insane, but why ignore it when they had a chance of saving everyone?

"We don't have time for this!" At this point, he could probably trademark that phrase.

Diego agreed. "Klaus, you're with me."

The man in question hobbled away from his spot on the couch. "Yeah, I'll... I think I'll pass. I'm feeling a little under the weather."

Regardless of this, Diego, Klaus and Five walked out of the room together. Charlotte hurried after them.

Once again, she found herself cramped in the back of a car, awkwardly staring out the window. She was really starting to resent these quiet car rides. They wouldn't be so bad if everyone wasn't so tense all the time.

"So..." Allison said slowly, fiddling with her hands. "How did you guys meet? Was it like some sort of post apocalypse romance, or..."

Five and Charlotte's eyes bulged simultaneously. He gave her a look from the front seat. "No, thankfully."

So maybe she hadn't missed him as much as she thought she did. "What a gentleman. But no. Your brother gave me a concussion at a bus stop."

Diego snorted. "Was that before or after you showed up at our house?"

It was becoming clear that each of the Hargreeves had met Charlotte at different moments, and not one of them was really sure what happened to make her follow Five around. To be fair, she wasn't really sure why either.

"Before," she said.

Five pursed his lips. "In my defense, I was trying to save the world."

"You can't just use that as an excuse for everything you do."

"Shut up, we're here."

The car slid smoothly in front of the police station. It wasn't the most inconspicuous parking. Diego turned the car off.

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