My face fell flat as he continued on, the devils reincarnate obviously not giving a shit as to what I had to say as he further explained,
"I'm a man that keeps track of his debtors Jimin, and whether you realize it or not, you are in debt to me."

An unreadable expression fell across his face as he grabbed a piece of paper from his desk and extended it to me,
"Tell me, are you aware of the extent of damages you caused at the La Vie En Rose Club?"

My mind went blank at the sudden question, eyebrows furrowing as I slowly took the paper from his hands before answering,
"Of course not, I've had more important things to deal with."

Jeongguk smirked slowly as he pulled another sheet of paper from atop his desk, motioning for me to look at my own before continuing,
"Then allow me to enlighten you then,"

My eyes widened as I looked over the sheet within my hands, and my stomach dropped when realization began to sink in.

"If you're just looking at the water and electricity damage you caused when you pulled the emergency fire alarm, you're looking at a rough total of ₩12,061,043.35. That total seems pretty important to me."

He said mocking my earlier choice of words. But he didn't even give me time to respond as he continued,
"Of course, that's without even considering the cost of the bribe to the police department and the fire department to overlook the entire scene you caused. In case you were wondering, that increases your total of expenses by an additional ₩23,752,957.51."

The sinking feeling in my stomach only twisted further as he continued with the next bullet point on the page.

His smirk pulled deeper,
"You also have to take into account the bounty that Kai put out for your head for destroying his club,"

Jeongguk stated the following numbers as if we were talking about pocket change,
"The running total was originally ₩7,110,510.00 dead, and ₩11,850,850.00 was offered if anyone could capture you alive...But to clear the bounty entirely,"

Jeongguk scoffed, another tongue click following as he continued,
"That was a whopping ₩18,961,360.00. Now I was just going to stop there, but then you decided to try and escape after I saved you, so I might as well just throw in the price of the drugs you stole as well don't you think?"

My stomach fell,
"Hey, wait! You said—"

Jeongguk's smirk grew into a full-on grin as he cut me off. The devil obviously enjoying the confused panic that was beginning to make itself at home on my face.

"And the five pounds of drugs you stole? My, that's ₩23,701,700.00, sweetheart,"

With his dark eyes still peering into mine, he watched in sheer satisfaction as I tried to put all of this information together in my head and make it make sense. He had added it up to the very last cent...

My face fell blank as I looked up at his smiling one,
"Why?" I whispered quietly.

Jeongguk tilted his head to the side with a smile still placed ever so hauntingly against his lips,
"Because I wanted to."

The thought of pulling my gun sounded so very tempting right now, but judging by the look on Jeongguk's face, we still weren't done.

His smile only brightened as he finally set down his paper,
"Now that you understand your debt, we can finally get back to your choice of how you're going to pay me back."

My mouth fell open as I held out the sheet of paper,
"You're telling me that you supposedly paid for my ₩249,129,300.86 debt? I'm supposed to believe that?"

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