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Warning in advance: I hate hate hate this chapter, I rewrote it multiple times but each time it somehow got worse? Idek it's been far too long since I have been able to update so at this point, I would just like to post SOMETHING for you guys. Thank you for being patient with me, and I am so sorry I had to be away for so long. At least now my semester is finally over! I hope I will be able to write more for you guys. 

I also hope that you all like this filler more than I do, it's been a pain in my ass to try to write but unfortunately, fillers are important for story progressions so...puke.

How do we feel about the cover change?

How do we feel about the cover change?

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Eerie couldn't begin to describe the feeling that swept through the dim hallway.

Fourteen was no longer in sight, and retracing my steps in the dark was proving to be more difficult than I had originally thought. Perhaps it was just from where I hadn't eaten, or maybe it was because the natural lighting from the halls had fallen to a cool gray—but the further I whisked down the corridor, the more it was beginning to feel as though the paintings on the walls were watching me. I was aware that this logic didn't quite make sense being that more than the majority of the pictures didn't contain any live subject matter, but it still felt all the same nonetheless. I gave a fleeting glance to the dark picture frame as I passed it. I couldn't recognize any of the people in their photos either, but then again, it wasn't as if I was necessarily trying either. I had far larger fish to fry at the moment.

I sent another glance over my shoulder as my bare feet carried me across the seemingly never-ending rug. It had only been a few minutes since I had slipped from my room, yet the more I walked down these halls the more it felt like I hadn't traveled much at all. All these damn doors and halls looked the same.

Checking over my shoulder once again, I startled as the potted plant I had just passed began to look far too much like a human for my liking. I shook my head from the very thought and rushed down the hallway at a faster pace, the longer I stood and stared at it the more I could convince myself that it had moved.

The hallway seemed to loom from behind me as I traveled in and out of the spots where the moonlight could reach. If it wasn't for the sound of my ragged breath and the thundering of my own heartbeat, I would have sworn that I had gone deaf. The silence was far too loud in a place like this. Though as insufferable as the silence was, it was nothing in comparison to the paranoia I felt as I reached the end of the hallway...and unfortunately, the final window.

Up until this point, I had been able to use the windows to my advantage. In place of a flashlight, I had been following the moonlight as if it was my own personal guide. Albeit dim, the moon had cast just enough light to illuminate my surroundings. I could look to one of the many creepy decors and know for certain that I was heading in the right direction. Though now, it appears that I am going to have to rely on my memory alone if I was going to find my way out of here tonight. Fan-fucking-tastic.

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