Dust, Moss, Dirt

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Misty gently thumbed over the worn leather cover, trying to process what she had just read. "The forces that darken?" she thought. "They couldn't possibly mean the Hawkweed have some special power, could they?" She shook her head, and what felt like a thousand conflicting thoughts swam through her brain. She felt her fingers dig into the dirt behind her as she shifted back in the grass, and she took a brief moment to breathe. In the stillness of this place, looking up at the idyllic sky of a sunny day in early fall, she was suddenly struck by an overwhelming sense of beauty. 

The feeling descended on her like a sun shower of the most pleasant tingles she could imagine. Soon, she found herself smiling like a fool. What else could she do? This was all too much. All so incredibly bizarre that she questioned if perhaps, she were actually dreaming.

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