A new beginning

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         "Listen Rhino, I understand that you're mad at m-" Peter ducks quickly, avoiding the hit that narrowly misses his head. "Hey! I was talking! It's better to talk about your-"

         "Enough words from bug man! You're so annoying, you make me want to not rob bank!"

         "Hey, progress is progress I guess." Peter shrugs as he looks at Aleksei, a.k.a the Rhino, as they go back and forth in the same way they always do. "Listen Aleksei, you don't NEED to rob bank! Take it from the guy who can barely pay his rent half the time! Jus-"

         "ENOUGH!!!" Peter is cut short as the massive 6'5", metal covered man begins to charge at him at full speed.

         Peter had recently integrated new tech into his lenses that would analyze his surroundings, and help him to map out an easy win in a fight. There was just one small problem. They were in the back of a semi truck, in a shipping container, and he had nowhere to go.

         Peter put everything he could into jumping up onto the ceiling of the shipping container, narrowly avoiding Rhino's horn. Once the behemoth of a man passed him, Peter shot webs onto the backs of his legs, and attached the other end to the ceiling next to him, causing Rhino to come crashing down onto the floor. Once he was down, Peter proceeded the cover the man in webs as best as possible.

         "You think these puny strings can hold me down bug man? You think wro-!" Peter made a swift kick to the back of Aleksei's head, knocking the man unconscious.

         "Yes, I do think that Rhino." Peter looked down at his foe and ran a biometric scan that confirmed he was only unconscious. "Now then, time to head home."

         Peter stepped out of the shipping container, where he found dozens of police waiting for him. As per routine though, he quickly shot a web and swung away before they could question him. It had been such a long day for Peter, what with both losing his apartment because of that lack of rent, and now an attack from Rhino.

         Luckily for him, Harry had told Peter about a vacation house on the outskirts of the city that his father owned, that he was willing to let Peter stay in until he got back on his feet, he just needed to move his stuff over. He looked down at his watch.

         "Crap. I was supposed to meet Tony almost an hour ago." Tony had agreed to help Peter move his things, seeing as it was the least he could do to repay Peter for some recent lab experiments he had helped with.

         Peter finally reached his old apart- that's gonna take some getting used to. While he was by no means surprised he had been kicked out, Peter still couldn't help but feel dumbfounded. He had lived here for almost a year now.

         He had finished highschool about two years ago now, and had somewhat moved around the city while trying to hold a job and be Spider-Man at the same time. This presented an obvious challenge though, as he wasn't able to work a steady 9 to 5 job and be Spider-Man at the same time. The best jobs were ones where he was constantly on the move throughout the city, but that even had its problems.

         He tried working a pizza delivery job, which he held for awhile, but that went sour after a situation like today where he was almost THREE HOURS LATE delivering the pizza. That time it had been because of an attack from vulture, who was going after a priceless ruby. His luck had mostly followed this trend recently too, as he was always late to things.

         As Peter finished putting on his sneakers, he hopped down from the roof, with his suit in a duffle bag and walked to the front of the building where he saw a very tired looking Tony. The playboy, billionaire, philanthropist looked over at Peter.

         "You know Parker, the offer still stands for you to move into avengers tower. Completely free for obvious reasons." Peter went to speak up and was shut down before he could even get a word out. "Yeah yeah, I know what you're gonna say. 'Sorry I'm late, I had to fight so and so, and no thanks for moving into the tower, it would be too suspicious and might get my identity revealed.' and all that. Oh, and since you are late, I took the liberty of moving your things on my own."

         Peter felt almost ashamed of the fact that Tony had dove all that for him, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He placed his hands in his pockets and felt a paper in the left one. Oh yeah. Peter needed Tony's help again, but this time with something a little different.

         "Hey Tony, umm, first, sorry, and second, can you help me with something that's been bugging me?" Tony looked over to him and tipped his sunglasses down.

         "What now Parker? You're not the only one who's a busy superhero you know." Tony's remark had a bit of a snap to it.

         Peter wasn't quite sure how to say what he had wanted to say. Yes, it was as simple as "I need your help finding out where a mysterious drawing that suddenly popped up in my pocket three years ago and is addressed to me came from", but was it though? Was it really tha-

         "Hold on, what about a mysterious paper? You gotta speak up." Peter cursed at himself for mumbling that under his breath. I guess it is that easy.

         Peter pulled the drawing out of his pocket and showed it to Tony, who fixed his sunglasses and had the AI in them run a diagnostic.

         "I have no clue where it came fro-"

         "Shoosh. What are we looking at Friday?" HE JUST SHOOSHED ME!

         "There seems to be trace amounts of an odd energy source that hasn't been recorded in any database." The smooth AI voice spoke from Tony's glasses, just barely audible to Peter.

         "Cross reference the signal through nova core databases to get a broader universal scan." Friday was quick to respond.

         "Already did. There are no known matches for this energy, with the exception of one."

         "Well what's that one?" Tony seemed somewhat impatient.

         "Peter Parker seems to be emitting the same energy radiation in small amounts. Roughly 1E-12 micro grams per da-" Tony gave Peter a questioning look, as he cut off his AI.

         "That's enough, thanks Friday." The light blue glow of Tony's sunglasses dimmed out as he looked at Peter. "You. Me. Talking to Bruce. Now." Peter hesitated.


         "No. Now. Either put your suit on and go of your own volition, or i carry you like a baby." Tony double tapped his chest, causing his nano-tech suit to spread out from his chest across his body. By the time he had finished his sentence, he was standing in the full iron man suit.

         "Okay, okay, just keep it down. Not all of us have our SECRET identity known to the world." Tony just rolled his eyes at him.

         "Yeah yeah, let's just get going."
Thanks for reading! I have returned guys! I took a bit of a break from writing fanfics, but now I'm back in action! I won't be able to update on a very regular basis just because I'm really busy with school this year, because I'll be done with my classes in December, so I've really got to stay on top of things! So at my very best you can look forward to weekend updates, unless otherwise stated before hand. Thanks a bunch again guys and I'll see you next time!

Word count: 1341

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