chapter 7

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"Looks good." Brian complimented Mia as she did the designs on the car. "Thank you." Mia smiled as he kissed her cheek. "I have to make parts run for Harry." Brian informed Dom as he and Mia stood up. "Drive safe." Dom replied. Brian glanced down at Mia as he started to walk off. "Bye babe." "Bye." She smiled and watched him walk out of the garage. Dom went to walk off but stopped and turned to his sister. "Isn't there a test or something you should be studying right now?" "Don't worry about Dom. I know what I got to do, okay?" Mia replied arms crossed over her chest. "No, I am worried about it." Dom argued. "You're not doing enough of it." "Get off my back." Mia snapped before she stormed out of the garage.

ariana slid out from under the car after changing the oil and turned to where Dom was with both eyebrows raised. "Hey, Dom." She called out. "Don't you think you think she deserves to be happy?" "Of course, I think she deserves happiness." Dom snapped at her, Ariana eyebrows raised even higher. He threw the wrench he was holding to the ground as he walked closer to her. "I have to make sure she keeps moving forward. She doesn't belong here. What do you care anyway?" "She's old enough to make her own decisions, Dominic. I care because your my family dominic. You guys are my fucking family " Ariana replied, getting frustrated with him. "ari-just nevermind" Dom cut himself off as he turned to walk away. She reached out and grabbed his hand, preventing him from moving. "What you need to be worried about, is who's gonna stick by your side." "You gonna stick by me?" Dom asked her as she moved closer to him. " forever" She glanced up at him through her eyelashes as she unbuttoned the top part of his jumpsuit and ran her hand down his chest. "and always" Dom spoke as she pulled the clothes so his chest and arms were exposed. she smiled at him when he let out a chuckle.

"You don't always have to be such a tough guy you can let it go around me." She told him. In response, Dom pressed their lips together. her arms were wrapped around his neck as his were placed on her hips. As they continued to make out, Dom's hands slid down until they were firmly placed just under her ass. He picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist. Dom walked them towards the seat behind them, sitting them down so so was placed on his lap.

Ariana cheered from the sidelines as Letty smoked some bitch. It was finally Race Wars and they were all there. All racing. After the two hugged, it was ari's turn to race. She quickly got back in her car and drove towards the starting line. Her window was rolled down. "hey" She heard the dude in the car across from her call out to her. she glanced over towards him, eyebrows raised. "i win you come home with me tonight and your car" "bet"she replied to him. "Well, how 'bout I race you for that sweet little ass?" The race in return questioned. "You want ass, why don't you hit Hollywood Boulevard?" she asked him sassily. "You want an adrenaline rush, it'll be two large. Right here, right now. What's it gonna be?" "You got it." The man replied, holding up his own wad of cash. she smirked as she got ready to race, putting on sunglasses over her eyes. She rolled her eyes when the racer blew kisses to her. It only took seconds for her to overtake him and cross the finish line.

"Yo!" Leon ran over to where they were all sitting. "Heads up, bro. We got problems." "What?" Dom asked and Leon pointed to where they could see Jesse driving away. "Jesse." Leon stated. "hey, wheres Jesse going?" ari questioned as she stood on the other side of Leon. "He just raced Tran for slips." Leon explained. "Oh, shit." Dom ran a hand over his face as Tran appeared in front of them in his car. "Where's he going?" Tran demanded. "He went to the car wash." Dom lied. "Whatever." Tran stepped closer to Dom. "Go fetch my car." "Go fetch your car?" Dom repeated as Letty looked towards ariana who is next to don. "We aren't on your block anymore, you better watch who you talk to like that." He pointed his finger at Tran before he went to walk away. "Toretto!" Tran exclaimed. "Toretto! SWAT came into my house, disrespected my whole family because somebody narked me out. And you know what? It was you!" Within a second later, Dominic Toretto punched him in the face. A security guard knocked into everybody. The two glanced to the side to see Lance about to approach Dom and his cousin. Are beat letty to lance by connecting her with his nose, sending him flying towards the ground. Security was then onto her.

Finally, both the security guard who had knocked into everyone pulled Dom off Tran with the help of Vince. "I never narked on nobody!" Dom yelled. "I never narked on nobody!" "Come on!" Vince grabbed Dom and pushed him away from the crowd, making sure he kept on walking. ari pulling dom in the van then both of them checking eachother

"I have respected you and I haven't said shit." Mia argued with her brother as they stood in the middle of the huge dancing crowd. It was now nightfall and they were about to leave to pull off their last job. Letty and Ari stood together watching the exchange silently. Leon and Vince were behind them, no one saying a word. "And now I am asking you not to go." "Mia, I'm doing this for both of us." Dom gently guided her away from him, his hands on her arms. "No, don't give me that crap." Mia broke out of her brother's grip angrily. "You're doing this for you." She pointed at him. "Why are you insisting on doing this? Dom, please, just don't." Dom ignored her and instead got in his car, Vince and Leon getting in theirs. Both the girls got into arianas car.

They pulled up behind the covered cars and got out of their own. Dom walked along, pulling off the covers revealing the three black cars. "All right, we're one man short." Dom started as he stood at the front. "Babe, I need you and Letty on the left side." Letty threw the bag she held into the car herself and ari would be in. Leon walked towards the first car, holding a piece of equipment. "You're sisters right about this one. This don't feel good." Dom held his finger up as he took the equipment from Leon. "Don't do that." "Something's wrong." Letty agreed with Leon as she handed Dom the other piece of equipment. "Stop." Dom glanced between Leon and Letty. Nonetheless, Letty continued. "We shouldn't be doing this without Jesse." "Look, this is the mother lode." Dom stated as ari started to play with her hair. "We've been on this for three months. After this, it's a long vacation for everyone. Let's go." He took off his jacket and got ready to get in the car.

Letty left Ari's side and got into the passenger side as Dom noticed that Ari hadn't moved from her spot. He walked up to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. "Listen, the other night I had a dream that you and I were on a beach in Mexico." "Really?" she questioned, looking into his eyes. "Really." Dom nodded before he leaned down and kissed her softly. "Come on. Let's make this happen." she nodded her head and walked towards the car, getting in the driver's side. "You alright?" Letty questioned her. she glanced over at her as she pulled her hair up into a ponytail. "Yeah." She sighed as she started the engine. "Let's just get this over and done with." Letty said nothing as ariana drove behind Dom, following him onto the highway.

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