chapter one

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Chapter One

Ariana was leaning against the counter of Toretto's cafe, the youngest Toretto, Mia standing beside her. While Ariana was cleaning they she was teasing Mia about her little crush. While Arianna was wiping down a table,a familiar curly blonde haired male walked in. Ariana smiled and tried her hardest not to bust out laughing as she gave her the signal that he was here.She simply tapped the counter 3 times acting natural. That was their signal whenever he came to the store which was every single day for three weeks now.Mia looked at Ari quickly then cleared her throat quietly as Brian took a seat in the stool in front of her. "Tuna on white, no crust, right?" The brunette asked him, a small smile on her face."I don't know, how is it?" Brian shot back, Ari scoffed then rolled her eyes as she made her way back behind the counter.

"Every day for the last three weeks, you've come here, asking how the tuna is," Mia said shaking her head. "Now, it was crappy yesterday. It was crappy the day before. And guess what? It hasn't changed.""I'll have the tuna." Brian smiled at her."No crust?" "No crust."Ari was just leaning on the counter watching her sister in law make her future boyfriends sandwhich. "Here you go." Mia said softly as she set the made sandwich down in front of him."Thank you." Brian said as he started to eat the shitty tuna sandwich. Ari turned her head over lookingwhere the drinks were, to see her boyfriend Dom exit his office to grab a beer. They shared eye contact for a second then she just winked while he smirked.

He went back into his little room. The red head girl looked at the time before hopping on the counter swinging her legs. Then after a couple of minutes sound of engines reached her ears and Ariana smiled as she looked out the window to see the crew driving up and parking in front of the store. "Talk to me, Jesse." Vince said as he got out of his cobalt blue car. "This ain't working, brother.""It's your fuel map. It's got a nasty hole." Jesse replied as he got out of his own car, everyone crowding around Vince's bonnet. "That's why you're unloading in third.""Told you." Leon looked towards Vince with a smug expression. Mia and Brian continue to have a conversation whilst Ari listened to the one happening outside."Shut up.""I lengthen the injector pulse a millisecond. Just tune the NOS timer, you'll run nines." Jesse told Vince as he inspected what has under the hood. "What?" He asked as Vince grabbed his jaw and turned his head, everyone following their gazes to see a red truck that belonged to the familiar Brian Spilner.

"What's up with this fool?" Vince spoke, obviously jealous as they saw Brian and Mia talking. And then they saw Ariana now sitting crisscrossed on top of the counter, sketching. "Is he sandwich-crazy?""No, V." Leon denied. "He ain't here for the food, dog."Letty rolled her eyes at the two. "Chill out, bro. He's just slinging parts for Harry, man." Letty told Vince as the four of them walked toward the entrance."I know what he's slinging." Vince turned to her."He's trying to get in Mia's pants, dog." Leon smirked.Letty turned to him, an eyebrow raised. "You're not helping.""What's up, guys?" Mia smiled at them as they entered the shop."How you doing, Mia, Ari?" Jesse asked as he past her, stopping by Ari to press a kiss to her cheek."Hey, girls." Leon followed behind Jesse, kissing Ari's other cheek."How you living, girl?" Letty followed behind them. Letty also stopped by Ariana. She pulled her down from the counter and hugged her."Hey, Letty." Ari grinned at her best friend. Letty and Ariana have been friends since elementary school. They were eachothers first friend. Where ever one was you saw the other

Most people would say they were attached at the hip. If one was upset so was the other , if one was ready to beat the shit outta someone the other was right behind. They were more than best friends, they were sisters. Letty is the one who got Dom and Ariana together. Soon they all became close. They were best friends and Letty even went as far to threaten him if he ever dared hurt Ari. Ari moved from lettys arms but not before sending Mia a playful wink as made her way to the back to get a drink. Mia rolled her eyes at the girl and caught the apron she threw. She walked back with 2 drinks in her hand."Hey, Dom. You want something to drink?"Ari said. Dom held up his beer, without looking at her. Ari rolled her eyes and called out bitch before going and giving the drink to Letty. After she handed her a beer, the two staying in the doorway. "He's beautiful." Jesse admired Brian as he put on a pair of sunglasses,"I like his haircut." Leon complimented as he ate a packet of chips."Vince." Mia tried to get his attention, but failed as he and Brian continued to have a stare down. "Vince!" She exclaimed, the man finally turning to face her."What?""Can I get you anything?" She asked him.

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