chapter 4

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"What about parts and service?" Mia questioned Dom as they stood in the garage. "Hold off on it." Dom told her as Ariana wiped the grease from her face. "Dom, I don't know what to do with it." Mia told him as Brian appeared in a truck with a crashed 1995 Toyota Supra. Ari eyed the car. "All right, what the hell is this?" Dom questioned him as he walked towards it, also eyeing the car. "What do you got there?" Brian smiles as he motions to the car. "This is your car." Dom shook his head, a small grin on his lips as he pointed to himself."My car?" He questions as Jesse walked over to it and hit it with his elbow. "I said a ten second car, not a ten-minute car." "You could push this across the finish line." Jesse said as she stood beside him, also inspecting the car. "Or tow it." "You couldn't even tow that across the finish line." the girl spoke as she ran her fingers along the side of the car. She glanced at her fingers to see dirt covering them so she quickly wiped them on Doms shirt. Everyone apart from Brian chuckled at what the brunette said, Leon and Vince nowhere to be seen.

Brian looks towards her in disbelief, directing his words towards the smirking woman and to Dom. "No faith." "I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage." Dom told him. "Pop the hood." "Pop the hood?" "Pop the hood." They managed to bring the car inside, Jesse doing as he was told to do. He popped the hood and it unfortunately promptly flew off when he did. She muffled her laughter and her eyes widened considerably as she got sight of what was in the car. "2JZ engine." Jesse stated as he looked over the parts. "No shit." Ari lowly stated as she glanced toward Brian with surprise. There was no way in hell Dom could refuse the car now. Not with an engine like that. Anyone would be stupid to do that. Brian looked toward ariana with a smug expression. "And what did I tell you?" "I retract my previous statement." She smiled at him, an impressed expression on her face as herself and Dom shared a look. Both ari and Jesse shared an excited grin as Dom nodded along to her words, knowing what he was going to say. "You know what?" Jesse held the crowbar in his hands. "This will decimate all after you put about fifteen grand in it. Or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan." "We'll put it on my tab at Harry's." Dom told him.

"Yes!" Jesse exclaimed and ari smiled brightly, the two friends high fiving each other excitedly. Dom turned to Brian, pointing the crowbar he held in his hand at him. "I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass." There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars."Ari stated and her boyfriend nodded in agreement to her words. "That's where you'll do it." She continued as Dom nodded at her to continue. Dom started to walk away but stopped. "I'll tell you what, when you're not working at Harry's, you're working here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car." Mia shared a look with ari, the man walking up to Brian. "He owns you now." ari stated and walked to the car.

Later the two females entered the office where they both sat at the same desk, going through the high stack of papers. "So..." Ariana trailed off, Mia looking towards the person she considered her sister. "You and Brian huh?" She slyly glanced over at Mia to see a blush across her cheeks. "I don't know what you're talking about." The youngest Toretto spoke, not looking directly at her.

"Oh Mia you know exactly what I'm talking about." she rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, I won't tell Dom anything. I won't even tell Letty. you can tell me." "Okay maybe I like him." Mia shrugged. "Mia." "Fine!" Mia sighed. "I like him more than a little." She squealed in excitement, Mia quickly clamping her hand over her mouth as Dom glanced over to them through the window. Both girls played it off with a smile and a wave, Dom rolling his eyes as he turned back to what he was doing. Ari whispered " i knew it". "Shut up." Mia whined as she pushed her hair over her shoulder. "I can't believe this." The red head smirked. "Believe what?" "Mia Toretto finally interested in someone who isn't a asshole." the girl spoke and Mia punched her in the shoulder playfully. "No but in all seriousness, this is amazing, mimi!"

"It's just that in the past few weeks that we've been hanging out together, I guess I've just developed a crush on him." Mia admitted. "He's really sweet and I know that most of the team don't trust him and are suspicious of him, but I don't think there's anything to be suspicious of. I really like him." It was true, most of the team were highly suspicious of Brian, Vince more than anyone. She must admit that she was a little suspicious as well. I mean why would he chose to eat at Toretto's Cafe? And why every single day? They rarely And why the sudden interest in Mia? But she pushed those thoughts away and smiled at the younger girl. "I'm proud of you Mia." Ariana told her with a smile. Mia looked over to her with a matching smile as she watched her brother's girlfriend with awe. "Seriously, M, I couldn't be any more prouder of the woman you're becoming. I know Dom is extremely proud of you. Letty, Vince, Leon and Jesse are all proud of you. We're so proud of you"

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