Chapter 19- Octavius

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It's been three days since I've seen Ian. He has been in his office for hours at a time every day. He goes to sleep after I do and wakes up before me. I know his week is full, but he barely has time to eat.

I am leaving tomorrow morning with Marianna. We decided to leave by nine so we would get there by noontime. My mother is ecstatic about us coming. Although I haven't told my friends I was coming yet.

I was finishing up some school work when I heard a big thud come from Ian's office. Which was followed by a groan and some curse words.

I got up and approached Ian's office. I knocked and got no response. "Ian?" I asked and turned the handle. When I opened the door I saw him holding his head.

I've never been in his office before. It was cluttered to say the very least. I don't know how he can find anything in this.

"What happened?" I asked and went to his side. I moved his hand and saw a gash on the side of his head.

"It doesn't matter." He said with an annoyed expression. I looked down on his desk and saw blood on the lip of it. I put two and two together and figured out he smashed it against the side, most likely on accident. He was probably reaching for the document that was still on the floor.

"Mhm," I mumbled and turned his head to inspect the wound. My fingers brushed across his jaw that had some stubble on it. I've never seen him with any hair on his face. Not that there was a lot. "Come with me," I motioned him to the door. He looked resistant but I grabbed his arm and led him to the bathroom.

"You don't have to. My wolf will heal it soon," he mumbled when I sat him on the toilet.

"What's your wolf's name?" I asked and grabbed some peroxide from the medicine cabinet.

"Why the sudden curiosity?" He asked as I pressed the cloth to his head. He hissed slightly and I apologized.

"You met my wolf once. I don't even know the name of yours."

"Right. . . his name is Octavius." I smiled when I heard the name.

"Octavius," I tested. It sounded quite pleasing. I heard a low growl and looked at Ian. His eyes were a dark brown, nearly black. I guess Octavius wanted to meet me.

"Hello," I smiled and finished cleaning the wound.

"Veda," his voice was slightly deeper than Ian's.

"Yes?" I asked and put the supplies away. He didn't answer. Instead, he grabbed my hand and slowly pulled me to him. As he hugged around my waist and I froze. Slowly I got more comfortable and brushed my fingers through his hair.

His body moved as he sighed and I chuckled. This was different than Ian. It was weird, but I would get used to it.

"Tell your wolf we are sorry," he pulled away and I saw his eyes changed. Ian was back.

"Welcome back," I smiled and washed off my hands.

"I'm sorry if you weren't ready to meet him, I couldn't control it."

"It's okay Ian. It's not like Kathleen gave you a choice to meet her either." I smiled. "You're all patched up. Do you still have a lot of work?"

"I did the majority of it last night." He stood up and adjusted his shirt.

"Does that mean you have time to do something with me?" I asked.

"What did you have in mind?" He responded and leaned his shoulder against the wall. His arms crossed and I couldn't help but look at the way his arms bulged.

"Um," I cleared my throat, "we could do anything."

"Okay. Go put on shoes and a jacket. It's a little cold." Where are we going? I was going to ask but he already left the bathroom.

I walked to my bedroom and decided to change. I went to my closet and looked for a soft hoodie to throw on. I grabbed one before finding a pair of jeans to go with it. Once I was changed I put on some shoes and put my hair into a loose braid.

"Almost ready?" I heard Ian from the front door.

"Coming," I replied and walked out my door. I met him at the door. I followed him out and locked the door behind me.

He led me to his car and I hopped in the passenger seat. He looked over at me and I saw a slight smile play at his lips.

"I like that hoodie," he noted. I looked down and realized it was the one he gave me. I felt my face heat and chuckled.

"It's soft," I shrugged. He looked at me again before starting the car. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"On a date," I tensed. A date? A real date? He noticed and frowned. "Unless you don't want to?"

"No! I mean. I do. I've just never been on one before," I looked out the window. Suddenly my hand was enveloped in his and I looked at him.

"I think you will like it," he gave me a soft smile. I gave a small smile and just enjoyed the feeling of his hand.

"Mexican or Italian?" He asked suddenly.


"Pick one."

"Italian?" I said more like a question. He nodded and pulled the car into the left lane. As he drove I took in the town. It looked old, and Victorian houses lined the roads.

"Tell me," I looked at Ian as he spoke, "what did you picture your mate as?" I squeezed his hand.

"Why the sudden curiosity?" I asked.

"From the first moment I met you I could tell I wasn't what you expected. I know I am harsh at times, which I'm assuming threw you off. I just want to know what you pictured growing up."

"I don't know Ian-"

"Tell me, please."

"Okay um. Well, it changed as I was growing up. When I was little I pictured a prince. Stupid, I know. I was only seven though so you really can't blame me. I pictured him taller, and fit. I hoped he liked butterflies as I did. Stupid stuff like that. Although when I got older it changed. Before my birthday I thought it would be someone in my pack. I didn't think I would be paired with a leader. I was kind of hoping not to. I always wanted to live a life without so much responsibility that being a pack leader comes with. Not that I dislike it, I just wanted some time before I had to have that much on my plate. You know? I didn't care if it was male or female as long as they put in the effort. They needed to at least try to be there for me, and give in as much as I knew I would. I wouldn't even care if they were human, as long as they gave me the love and support that would keep me from falling. I've always been a romantic type you could say." I finished.

I forgot I was talking to Ian and my breath halted. I said too much. I just told him I didn't even want to be with someone like him, a leader I mean. He took a minute before responding.

"I can't promise to give you everything you were looking for. Although I know I'll try to be the person you always wanted to care for you. I may argue with you, or easily get irritated, but that doesn't mean I still don't care. I'm not going to introduce you as Luna anytime soon. I want you to have a little while where you can enjoy the little things. Okay?" He was acting different, or more careful. It was nice. It was unfamiliar territory.

"I don't want you to have to deal with everything," I frowned. Just because what I pictured was different than reality doesn't mean he should have to deal with everything.

"Veda, I have been dealing with everything since I was young. It's my normal. I honestly like it, and I want you to get comfortable before rushing into anything. You can get to learn about the pack and the people first. That way you won't be so stressed when you do become Luna."

"When did you become so sweet?" I teased. He rolled his eyes, but I could see him pushing a smile away.

"I'm not sweet. I'm just being a good mate."

"So...sweet?" I smiled.

"Sure," he said with a frown. I smiled and kissed his cheek quickly. I froze, unsure why I did that. He looked at me and my eyes widened.

"We're here," he smiled. I looked out the window and saw a small restaurant.

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