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It was a normal day in Sokovia, people buying from the street venders and little kids running around.

One particular little girl walked up to one of the street venders and saw a necklace that had a beautiful green stone. As she admired it, she felt someone pick her up.

It was her brother Pietro and beside him was her sister Wanda.

They were about to leave when young girl tugged on her brother's sweater and pointed at the necklace.

When he looked back at it he asked her. "Ty khochesh' ozherel'ye?", (You want the necklace?)

Lorna nodded her head and pointed at the the necklace with a smile on her face. He smiled back as he went up to the vender. "Skol'ko stoit eto ozherel'ye?", (How much is that necklace?).

"10 dollarov.", ($10).

Pietro put Lorna down and searched in his pockets for money but found he only had $6.

It wasn't enough.

He sadly sighed and looked down at his younger sister. "Mne zhal', Lorna, my ne mozhem poluchit' eto segodnya, mozhet byt', v sleduyushchiy raz.", (I'm sorry Lorna, we can't get it today, maybe next time.)

Lorna nodded her head understandingly. "Ladno", (Okay.)

They were about to walk away, but stopped when the man stopped them. "Skol'ko u tebya deneg, malysh?", (How much money you got kid?)

Peitro looked at the money in his hand and answered. "Vsego 6 dollarov, pochemu?", (Only $6, why?)

"Presto day mne to, chtu u tebya' year', yey eto nuzhno bol'she, chem mne, davay, beri.", (Just give me what you have. She needs it more than I do. Go ahead, take it.)  The man said, cutting the young boy a deal.

Pietro nodded and gave the man his money, Wanda taking the necklace and placing it around Lorna's neck.

Lorna looked at it holding it between her tiny fingers, before she ran up to the man and hugged his leg. "Spasibo za vashu dobrotu, ya etogo nikogna ne zabudu.", (Thank you for your kindness, I will never forget this.)

"Pozhaluyasta.", (Your welcome).  The man smiled, patting Lorna's head.

Lorna let go of the man and walked towards her siblings, taking ahold their hands as they started to walk  home.

On the way home Peitro saw a flower growing on the side of the street. He picked it up and thought about how it was like Lorna. Even when times were tough she was the light that brightened a room and was the flower in a field of weeds.

Peitro caught up to his sisters and  he put the flower in Lorna's hair. She smiled at him for coincidentally it was her favorite flower.

 She smiled at him for coincidentally it was her favorite flower

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