Chapter 3

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Sophie stared in awe at the door. "That was Rose. We just met Rose."

"So?" Biana asked. "Why does that matter?"

"Because she's important!" Sophie responded. She had figured out why Biana didn't like Rose much. Because Rose was flirting with Tam.

"Um, hate to be annoying, but why is Rose so important? She's just a person. And a human at that," Keefe said aloud. Sophie turned towards him.

"She's the daughter of Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley," Sophie explained.

""Okay, but what's so special about them?" Keefe asked.

"They helped my father defeat Lord Voldemort." A voice interrupted from the doorway. Sophie's head whipped around to see miniature versions of Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. Her mouth fell open in shock.

"But-you-I-how?" She stuttered.

"Yeah, I'm Albus Potter, and this is Scorpius Malfoy. And Yes, my dad is Harry Potter," The boy with darker hair - Albus - said.

"Could I interest you pretty people in some candy?" The smaller blonde one - Scorpius - said, not giving them any time to think about what had been said about his parentage.

"Ooh! Yes please!" Sophie said, and Scorpius obliged.

"Would you like a Chocolate frog, a Pepper imp or some Shock-o-choc?" He asked, pulling out all different types of candy. 

"I'll take a chocolate frog." Sophie smiled.

"Yes, Ma'am," Scorpius said, handing her a blue and gold box. Sophie opened it and a frog hopped out. Sophie's friends proceeded to freak out. After about ten minutes of screaming and Sophie chasing a candy frog around the compartment, her friends had lots of questions for Sophie and the boys.

"Wait, are you going to eat that?" Biana asked with a grimace.

"Of course," Sophie responded, still chasing after the moving frog. "It's chocolate!" Sophie jumped up onto the seat and reached for the frog who had positioned itself on the ceiling. She grabbed at it, but it was just out of her reach. She jumped up and down a few times, flailing her arms around trying to grab it. On her 15th try, she reached it.

"Gotcha!" Sophie crowed triumphantly. Then, her foot slipped and she fell. She landed in Keefe's lap.

"What are you doing Foster?" Keefe asked awkwardly.

"Oh, um nothing..." Sophie said as she sat up.

"Mmmmmmhmmmmmmm. I knew that you were falling for me. This just proves it." Keefe laughed when she blushed.

"She could have fallen on any of us," Dex grumbled under his breath. Sophie removed herself from Keefe's lap. Then she realized that her chocolate frog had escaped her hand. She looked all around and then spotted it. It was climbing out the open window. Before she could react, the frog leaped out the window and was pulled along with the wind.

"Dang!" Sophie whined. "I wanted that frog!"

"Sorry, that was my last one," Scorpius said. "But here, take a pepper imp!" He handed her a bright red package covered in stars.

"Thanks. But I'm not hungry anymore. Does anyone else want it?" Sophie asked.

"Wait, what's it called again?" Tam asked.

"A pepper imp," Scorpius responded.

"Like Iggy the imp?" Dex asked.

"Ewwwww, there's no way I'm eating that!" Biana said with a grossed-out look on her face. Everyone else began chiming in with their opinion, and Sophie decided to put a stop to the madness.

"Guys, chill. Iggy the imp and pepper imps are completely different things. One is my pet, and the other is a type of candy! So relax. Also, you don't have to eat it if you don't want to!"

"Okay good! Because I do NOT want to!" Biana sighed with relief.

"Well, it's been nice meeting you all. We will be arriving soon, so we really must be getting back to our seats."

"Okay!" She responded cheerfully. "We'll see you around!" The boys turned and left. And then they pulled into the station.

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