17 | Fight Club For Lovers

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MEN ARE trash.

Okay, I don't really mean that, but the ones that I know? Garbage.

I'm talking about my Father, Ben, the creepy hotel man, and...Five. Two-faced Five. Using, horrible, annoying, sarcastic Five. Those four are the epitome of everything that makes me mad.

Snatching up my uniform from the bed, I slung it into my closet in anger. I wanted to punch something, but I couldn't, since I was locked in my room. Even the windows had been bolted shut.

I felt betrayed by someone I trusted. Someone who I thought was my friend. Kicking the closet door in anger, I let out an agitated scream, trying not to combust into a flaming ball of spewing hatred.

"Good to see you have your clothes on this time," a voice said, appearing with a woosh.

Spinning around furiously, my eyes landed on the last person I wanted to see. Five was laying on my bed, his legs propped up against each other. He didn't even bother to take his shoes off!

"Get out," I spat out, my jaw clenching, "you don't have a right to be here."

"And why is that?" He grinned.

He clearly didn't understand I really meant what I said. This wasn't a joke anymore. I knew his sick, twisted truth, and I wasn't going to stand for it.

"You used me, Five," I growled, "this entire time you only wanted me to help with your stupid little plan, and everything else was just lies to get me to do it!"

"Keep your voice down, will you? People will know I'm here."

"So what? At least then you'll leave me the hell alone!"

"Why are you acting insane?" He said, sitting up, "what happened?"

He was starting to get the message now, and he also looked like he was getting nervous. Good. I didn't want to see his face anymore.

"Get out, Five."

"[y/n], what are you doing?"

"I don't like when people take me for a fool," I grimaced, putting up my fists, "now get out of my room, or I'll make you."

Five blinked, before letting out an amused sigh.

"Is this the right time to tell you you looked hot when you said that?" He said cheekily. When he saw my disgusted expression, he laughed, "guess not."

Disappearing with the snap of his fingers, he reappeared behind me, wrapping his arm around my neck and yanking me back.

"Do you really think you can fight me?" He whispered into my ear, "I'd like to see you  try."

"Piss off, Five," I hissed back.

Instead of letting him toss me down, I wrapped my arms around his waist and flipped him onto his back, knocking him to the ground. As I went to pin his arms behind his back, he appeared out of my grip and pushed me over from behind.

"If we're going to fight, at least fight fair," I stated, clambering back onto my feet, "you're using your powers."

"Well, you're always welcome to use yours."

Yeah, not going to happen.

Lunging towards him, I kicked the back of his knee in, so he lost his balance. Hoping to pin the fabric of his uniform to the ground, I fumbled over to my desk to reach for my pocket knife.

Big mistake.

Apparating next to me, Five grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the desk with desperate force. Before I could process a reaction, he shoved me against the wall, his face just inches from mine.


He was trying to calm me down by staring straight into my eyes, but that just made me anything but. I wanted to hate him, or hit him, or hurt him, but I couldn't. I wouldn't.

"I didn't use you," he whispered, his breath heavy with exhaustion.

"Then why was I only being used for your plan?"

"I didn't need you for the plan," he said, "I could have done all of it myself. But I wanted you there, see?"

"You're lying."

"I'm not lying," he urged, "and I didn't fake anything."

I narrowed my eyes in confusion, "what didn't you fake?"


And for the second time, he kissed me.

But this time it felt real. Not like I was being used, not like it was a mistake, but like it meant something. And it did. Closing my eyes, I tried to focus solely on the boy in front of me, but something was happening.

I felt like my heart was burning up. Literally.

"Ouch," I winced, pushing Five away, "what the hell?"

For some inexplicable reason, a faint light started to glow from my chest, illuminating the room in a faint pinkish color. Moving the hem of my shirt aside, I realized what was happening.

My birthmark was glowing. The arrow was glowing.

Oh no.

I should have seen this coming, but my lack of social skills definitely didn't prepare me for this. I felt like the warm light from my chest was spreading all over me, and I began to see tiny stars around five. Glittery stars.

"I don't want to freak you out," I said, my eyes widening.

Five looked concerned, "what?"

"And I know this seems a little soon," I mumbled, staring at the boy, "but there's a reasonable explanation."

"I'm not sure you can explain why your birthmark is glowing."

"I can."

"Then tell me."

Taking a deep breath, I just let the answer roll of my tongue, "I think I'm in love with you."

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