12 | Wrong Motel

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Before we get started, here are some healthy reminders!

- Consent is always key!

-And even though this situation will be later explained as a miscommunication, I want to make sure you all are always safe and comfortable when reading my books, so this is a TW heads up. (there is nothing bad, I promise, it's only a few sentences of barely anything; but just in case !!) xoxo <3





"WE SHOULD STOP FOR THE NIGHT," I yawned, the back of my hand covering my mouth.

I didn't know how long we had been driving for, but the sky was already starting to become pitch black. We were long gone from New York. Five nodded his head, squinting his eyes to see the road ahead of him.

"Are you sure?" He questioned, "the motels out here are sketchy as hell."

"What other option do we have?"


"I guess could sleep in the car..."

He gave me an annoyed look, as if to say 'are you kidding me?'. He was right; there was barely enough room to fit half a person in the trunk. Pressing on the pedal, he began to speed up the car as we raced down the empty country road. This place was desolate.

I swear I saw a deer somewhere off to the right, or some kind of creature.

It felt like we were never going to find a place to stay, until the tiny twinkling lights of a motel appeared through the branches of the forest around us. I looked at Five, who murmured something in agreement.

As we approached, a busted up sign became more visible, flashing LITTLE SEAS MOTEL dimly.

"You're right," I said nervously, staring at the seemingly abandoned place, "this place is really sketchy."

Five didn't respond, but instead unbuckled his seatbelt and turned to look at me. His face had become serious.

"Here's what's going to happen," he said, "I need you to listen carefully."

I frowned, wrinkling my nose at him, "why are you acting like you know everything about this place?"

"Because I've been to more motels than you'd think," he explained, "and you've rarely left the academy."

I hated that his point was right. Gah! He was being so overprotective, and a world-class know-it-all, so it was starting to annoy me....but I knew I couldn't be. He was right.

"Fine," I sighed, "what's the plan?"

"We look like middle schoolers," he said with distaste, "so they're going to try to either sell us short, kick us out, or give us some unreasonable excuse so we'll leave."

"Then let's just find somewhere else!"

"Unless you want to drive for another hour, this is all we have. Whatever they throw at us, we have to do everything we can to get a room."

"Two rooms."

"Does it really matter?" He pressed, raising an eyebrow, "we've been in worse situations than sharing the same room."


"But if you want two rooms, I'll ask."

"Thank you."

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